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  • The location and practical arrangements of Atria Plc's Annual General Meeting will be changed

The location and practical arrangements of Atria Plc's Annual General Meeting will be changed

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Atria Plc Company Announcement, 22 April 2020 at 12:00

The location and practical arrangements of Atria Plc's Annual General Meeting will be changed

Atria takes the coronavirus situation (COVID-19) very seriously. Atria's Board of Directors has decided that the Annual General Meeting to be held on 29 April 2020 will take place if it can be organised within the participation limits set by the authorities.

The location of the AGM will be changed to Atria's Helsinki office (Läkkisepäntie 23, Helsinki) and Atria will map the number of participants in advance. The contingency arrangements are designed to allow the meeting to take place.

The meeting will be held on 29 April 2020 at 1:00 pm. The meeting will be kept as short as possible in all respects. Late registrations will not be accepted at the meeting. There will be no coffee service or distributable material at the meeting. Meeting participants will be divided into separate rooms with video connection to the main meeting hall. Of the company management, only one member of the Board of Directors and the CEO will be present.

We urge shareholders instead of coming to the meeting place, to use the opportunity to follow the meeting via webcast link, the opportunity to ask questions and to authorize the representative to exercise the right to vote in accordance with the instructions; so that the meeting can be held to decide on issues on the agenda. These include adoption of the financial statements, payment of dividends and composition of the Board of Directors.

Practical instructions

Atria provides its shareholders the opportunity to follow the AGM via live webcast. The link to the webcast is personal, and it must be ordered by 28 April 2020, 4:00 pm, using the form at www.atria.com/agm. Ordering requires identification with your personal bank ID or mobile certificate. You cannot ask questions or vote in a meeting through webcast. Owners of nominee-registered shares cannot order the webcast link. Shareholders following the meeting online will not be recorded as shareholders present at the meeting.

Shareholders can in advance submit questions to the management. Any questions are to be sent to viestinta@atria.com by 28 April 2020, 4:00 pm. The questions and answers will be published in Finnish on Atria's website at www.atria.com/yhtiokokous.

Shareholders who have already registered for the meeting and do not wish to participate in the meeting are advised to cancel their registration by phone at +358 50 367 8539 or by email at teresa.lindstrom@atria.com by 28 April 2020, 10:00 am and, if they so wish, to exercise their voting rights by proxy.

All shareholders are encouraged to exercise their voting rights by proxy service. If you wish, you can authorise the General Counsel to represent you through the proxy service provided by Atria.  Proxy templates with voting instructions are available on Atria's website at www.atria.com/agm.

Any proxy documents, duly completed, should be sent to Atria Plc, Teresa Lindström, PO Box 900, FI-60060 ATRIA, by 24 April 2020, 4:00 pm, or as a PDF file to teresa.lindstrom@atria.com.

Atria Plc
Board of Directors

Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd
Principal media
