Attendo publishes Annual Quality and Sustainability Report for 2017
Today Attendo has released its Annual Report for 2017. A new Annual Quality and Sustainability Report has also been released to show how Attendo contributes to the development of society in important areas.
- We want to show the most important challenges to society in care and health care and how Attendo actively is contributing to meet the demand for more beds in modern nursing homes in the Nordics. The fact that we have opened around one in every four new beds in care for older people over the last five years in Finland and Sweden clearly show that Attendo plays a key part in how society can meet demographic challenges, says Pertti Karjalainen, CEO of Attendo.
In 2011, Attendo was the first care company in the Nordics to publish a detailed Annual Quality Report of its care work. To meet new legislation on sustainability reporting, Attendo this year has release a consolidated Annual Quality and Sustainability Report.
Through a close stakeholder dialogue, Attendo has identified three areas of major importance for its sustainability work; Attendos contribution to development of society, to quality in care and healthcare and satisfied employees.
The report contains a detailed account of innovations and actions taken in the respective areas, as well as the most important actions and outcomes in areas such as human rights, anti-corruption and climate and environment.
The Annual Quality and Sustainability Report 2017 can be downloaded from
Attendo AB (publ)
For further information, please contact:
Andreas Koch, Communications and IR-Director Attendo
Phone: +46 705 09 77 61
Stefan Svanström, Communications Director Attendo
Phone: +46 708 67 38 07
This information is such that Attendo AB (publ) is required to make public pursuant to the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the Communication and IR-Director, on 22 March 2018 at 08.00 CET.
Attendo - the leading care and healthcare company in the Nordics
Attendo is the leading private provider of publicly financed care and healthcare services in the Nordic region. The company was founded in 1985 and was first to provide outsourced care for older people in Sweden. In addition to care for older people, Attendo provides care for people with disabilities, individuals and families, and, in Finland, healthcare and dental care. Attendo has more than 20 000 employees and is locally anchored with over 500 operations in more than 200 municipalities in Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark.