Ladugården på Torsåker gård

Photographer: Axfoundation

Ladugården Torsåker gård På Torsåker gård finns åkrar, skogsmark och en experimentträdgård. I Ladugården ryms fyra testkök, bageri och restaurangkök. Ladugårdens anläggning är lämpad för tester och utveckling av allt från vegetabiliska livsmedel till kött- och sjömatsprodukter. Här samlar Axfoundation forskare och praktiker från hela livsmedelskedjan för att nå konkreta resultat.

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About Us

Axfoundation is an independent, non-profit organization working practically and concretely towards building a sustainable society. Axfoundation develops practical solutions to complex sustainability challenges within Future Food and Future Materials. Believing strongly in business as a driving force for change and in broad collaboration between relevant actors in society, Axfoundation collaborates with over 300 partners across sectors and industries. Together, the organization tackles local and global sustainability challenges based on practical issues related to the things we buy, the food we eat and the resources we use. Torsåker Farm is Axfoundation's test farm and a practical center for the sustainable food systems of the future. Here Axfoundation aims to help accelerate the transition to sustainable food systems, for the sake of the climate, the environment and public health. Together with researchers and practitioners, the organization develops innovations – both in the fields and in the water, as well as in Ladugården’s (“the Barn’s”) test kitchens.

