
We aim to create conditions for the Swedish industry to easily access high-quality and competitive Swedish wool while finding efficient ways to manage logistics so that sheep farmers and shearers can receive a fair price for their wool.
Johan Sidenmark, Project Manager, Future Materials, Axfoundation
What we do in CircSolar is to develop a proposal for a national solution that benefits the entire system and is based on the latest research from KTH. Creating systemic change requires us to include multiple perspectives, such as infrastructure, technology, business models, and policy, but also to involve a variety of stakeholders. This is not something that either politics or a single actor can solve alone; it requires broad collaboration.
Johanna Olofsson Behrman, Axfoundation
Given the significant growth and interest in solar energy, it is important to think about the next step, what will happen in the future when many solar panels have reached end-of-life. We initiated this project as we see a big opportunity for the entire solar industry to become circular.
Malin Cronqvist, Svea Solar
This is a prime example of innovation bolstering sustainable textile production. However, such strides wouldn't be possible without uniting the entire value chain, from sheep farms to industry. By aligning Swedish wool processing with industrial needs, we pave the way for sustainable products across various sectors, particularly fashion.
Johan Sidenmark, Axfoundation
It's a massive waste of resources to discard Swedish wool simply because it contains excess straw residue. Klippan Yllefabrik has found a solution by combing the wool and removing these plant parts, a step towards a sustainable fashion industry.
Gösta Magnusson, Klippan Yllefabrik