Bactiguard Holding AB’s (publ) Annual General Meeting

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At Bactiguard Holding AB’s (publ) Annual General Meeting on May 18, the following resolutions were made:

  • The Annual General Meeting adopted the income statement and balance sheet for 2016.
  • It was decided that no dividend for the financial year 2016 will be paid and that the company's loss (for the year) will be carried forward.
  • The Board of Directors and CEOs were discharged from liability for the financial year 2016.
  • The Annual General Meeting decided that an annual remuneration of SEK 500 000 will be paid to the chairman of the Board and an amount of SEK 200 000 to each of the other external directors. Furthermore it was decided that an annual remuneration of SEK 100 000 will be paid to each Chairman of the Audit Committee and Remuneration Committee. No separate remuneration will be paid to the other committee members. Provided that it is cost-neutral for the company, remuneration may be invoiced through a wholly-owned company of a director.
  • The Board members Stanley Brodén (chairman), Mia Arnhult, Marie Wickman-Chanteraeu and Christian Kinch were re-elected and Svante Östblom was elected as new Board member. Stanley Brodén was re-elected as the chairman of the Board.
  • The Annual General Meeting decided to re-elect Deloitte AB, as auditor. Remuneration to the auditors shall be paid according to approved invoice.
  • The proposed guidelines for compensation and other employment terms for senior management were adopted.

The information was submitted for publication at 16.15 CET on May 18, 2017

For further information, please contact:

Fredrik Järrsten, CFO, mobile: +46 72 550 00 89

About Bactiguard

Bactiguard is a Swedish medical device company with a mission to save lives. To achieve this mission we develop and supply infection protection solutions which reduce the risk of healthcare associated infections and the use of antibiotics. This way, we save significant costs for healthcare and the society at large. The Bactiguard technology prevents bacterial adhesion and biofilm formation on medical devices. Bactiguard offers the technology through licence agreements and our BIP (Bactiguard Infection Protection) portfolio of products. Through our licence partner CR Bard, urinary catheters with Bactiguard’s coating are market leading in the USA and Japan. Bactiguard’s own product portfolio of urinary catheters, endotracheal tubes and central venous catheters prevent some of the most common infections, which appear in the urinary tract, the blood stream and the respiratory tract.

Bactiguard is in a strong expansion phase in the European markets, China, India and the Middle East as well by establishing license agreements in new therapeutic areas. The company has about 60 employees around the world. Its headquarters and one of two production facilities are located in Stockholm, the other one in Malaysia. Bactiguard is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.

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