Executive Management Invests in Bactiguard

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The Executive Management in Bactiguard has been offered an opportunity to invest in the company by purchasing a sizeable number of shares. 

The Executive Management in Bactiguard has been offered an opportunity to invest in the company by purchasing a sizeable number of shares. Other members of senior management have also been offered the opportunity to purchase shares.

The transaction was enabled by the two major shareholders Christian Kinch and Thomas von Koch, who have offered management to purchase a total of 751 013 shares of serie B, corresponding to a value of approx 9.2 MSEK. The total number of shares in the company amounts to 33 302 373. After the transaction, the two main shareholders each own shares representing 29.4 percent of the shares and 40.1 percent of the votes in the company.

“It is very encouraging to be presented with such an opportunity to invest in the company,where we are all contribute to build for the future”, says Nina Nilsson, Head of Marketing and member of Executive Management.

The investment by management comprises 751 013 shares of serie B and was made at a price of SEK 12.25 (the average closing price five days prior to and five days after the release of the interim report for the first quarter 2016, on May 12). The acquisitions were made on May 19, after close of trading on Nasdaq Stockholm.

“Our aim has been to offer senior management an opportunity to take part in the future development of the company as shareholders. Therefore, it is encouraging that we have been met by such a great interest, where management show their commitment to the company by making an investment of this size”, says the company’s main shareholders Christian Kinch and Thomas von Koch.

The senior managers who have taken the decision to purchase shares from the main shareholders have committed to keeping the investment for at least one year.

This is information that Bactiguard Holding AB (publ) is required to publish in compliance with the Swedish Securities Market Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication on May 20, 2016, at 08.00

For further information, please contact:
Ulrika Berglund, Head of External Affairs, Cell & Text: +46 708 800 407

Om Bactiguard
Bactiguard är ett svenskt medicintekniskt företag med global närvaro, som erbjuder en infektionshämmande lösning som förhindrar vårdrelaterade infektioner orsakade av medicintekniska produkter. Genom att förhindra infektioner, bidrar vi till att minska användningen av antibiotika och spridningen av multiresistenta bakterier, som är ett växande problem världen över. Vi räddar liv, höjer patientsäkerheten och sparar därigenom avsevärda kostnader för sjukvården och samhället. Vår teknologi är välbeprövad, säker och patientvänlig och består av ett tunt ytskikt av ädelmetaller som motverkar att bakterier fäster och växer. Ytskiktet kan appliceras på i stort sett alla medicintekniska produkter. Urinvägskatetrar med Bactiguards ytskikt är marknadsledande i USA och Japan och företaget har även en egen produktportfölj som består av urinvägskatetrar, centrala venkatetrar och endotrakealtuber. Bactiguard är ett tillväxtbolag med fokus på Europa, Mellanöstern, Asien, och Latinamerika. Företaget har omkring 60 medarbetare runt om i världen, främst på huvudkontoret i Stockholm och produktionsanläggningen i Malaysia och är noterat på Nasdaq Stockholm. Läs mer om Bactiguard på www.bactiguard.se



Quick facts

The Executive Management in Bactiguard has been offered an opportunity to invest in the company by purchasing a sizeable number of shares.
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“It is very encouraging to be presented with such an opportunity to invest in the company,where we are all contribute to build for the future”
Nina Nilsson, Head of Marketing