Extended maturity for credit facility

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The maturity of the credit facility of SEK 100 million that Bactiguard received as a loan commitment in November 2015, has been extended until 31 December, 2017

In November 2015 Bactiguard entered a credit facility agreement of SEK 130 million, consisting of a loan commitment of SEK 100 million and a renewal of bank overdraft facility of SEK 30 million. Combined with the company’s cash position, the credit facility secures the refinancing of Bactiguard’s bond loan, which matures in December 2016. When utilizing the loan commitment, the credit according to the original loan agreement, matured 30 June 2017.

The loan agreement has today been updated with an extension of the maturity of the credit until 31 December, 2017. Other terms remain unchanged.

This is information that Bactiguard Holding AB (publ) is required to publish in compliance with the Swedish Securities Market Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication on 9 August, 2016, at 18.30.

For further information, please contact:

Fredrik Järrsten, CFO, mobile: +46 725 500 089

About Bactiguard

Bactiguard is a Swedish medtech company with a global presence, offering a solution that prevents healthcare associated infections caused by medical devices. By preventing infections, we contribute to a reduced use of antibiotics and the spread of multi-resistant bacteria, which is a growing problem worldwide. We save lives, increase patient safety and significantly reduce the cost for the healthcare and society. Our technology is well-proven, safe and tissue friendly and consist of a thin layer of noble metals that prevents bacterial growth. The coating can be applied on almost all medical devices. Bactiguard-coated urinary catheters are market leading in the US and Japan and the company has also its own product portfolio consisting of Foley catheters, central venous catheters and endotracheal tubes. Bactiguard is a growth company, focused on markets in Europe, Middle East, Asia and Latin America. The company has about 60 employees worldwide, mainly at the headquarters in Stockholm and the production facility in Malaysia and is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. Read more about Bactiguard at www.bactiguard.com