To survive in this emerging environment, you need to focus more on how you BSS solution can deliver more control, more functionality, and more reliability. Operators need to defend an expanding business from the risks of diversification and they need help finding the most efficient routes to market. Otherwise they will be out of business, says Pelle Ewald, EVP Sales.
There is a necessary on-going trend change towards wholesale. Telco’s need to have a clear strategy to be able to monetize on each nut and bolt, for every available kilobyte, minute or CPU clock-cycle in their hands. This can represent a substantial part of the future revenue growth. Operators with strong wholesale revenue strategies will have advantages; rebalancing their business, differentiating and enabling communication for the future service environment, says Daniel Ölvebrink, Manager Wholesale Revenue Management.
- We are already a clear leader in our respective fields and markets. With this merger we can strengthen this lead further. The expertise we have in the area of billing and the