Complaints Management Network hosts initial meeting

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Network aims to help businesses with complaints management

On Monday 6 May 2015, the inaugural meeting of the Complaints Management Network took place at the Dominion Theatre in London.

Formed from a joint initiative by Michael Hill of Complaints R Great, Stephen Parry from LloydParry and Don Hales, chairman of the Customer Service Training Network, the inaugural meeting was set up to explore the viability of a network to provide ‘complaints management’ support, expertise and advice for businesses across all industry sectors.

Headline speakers at the event were James Walker of Resolver and Caroline Wells from the Financial Ombudsman Service. Individual presentations covered a wide range of topics, from the psychology of complaining to what the future of management may look like.

Following this highly successful first meeting which provoked many positive comments from attendees, the organisers have now moved to formalise the network, and it is now set to meet on a semi-regular basis.

Discussing the benefits of the network further, Stephen Parry of Lloyd Parry International said:

“If complaints are handled badly they can escalate in the echo-chamber of social media and cause considerable damage. Complaints managed correctly, on the other hand, can drive standards of customer service higher and help organisations provide better services and better products. By providing shared support, the Complaints Management Network promises to meet a genuine need.”

Explaining how the network will operate, Michael Hill of Complaints R Great said:

“Every few months, the network will hold a conference with industry speakers and ombudsmen in various fields speaking about items such as legislation regulation and important issues such as the psychology of how we deal with complaints. Members sharing experience and best practice can then set up networks through their own industries.”

Don Hales of the Customer Service Training network said:

“This first event was a huge success and has provided a lot of momentum for us going forward. Ultimately, this network is not just about helping people to handle complaints, it is about reducing them.”

The next Complaints Management Network is already being organised for early July and will be held at the offices of Barclaycard in Canary Wharf. Speakers will be confirmed in coming weeks, with details published on the CSTN website ( 

(Pictured: Don Hales, Customer Service Training Network, Stephen Parry, Lloyd Parry International)

Further information contact: 

Stephen Parry:

Don Hales:

Michael Hill:



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