Sale of shares in BioGaia AB
BioGaia has been informed by Annwall & Rothschild Investments AB (A & R AB), main shareholders in BioGaia, that they due to private financial reasons have sold 150 000 B-shares in BioGaia AB to long term investors. After the sale A & R AB owns 6.3% of the capital and 32.4% of the votes. A & R AB has no intention to sell additional shares in BioGaia in the foreseeable future.
Latest press releases from BioGaia
2018-11-19 Isabelle Ducellier takes over as Managing Director of BioGaia
2018-10-24 BioGaia AB Interim Management Report 1 January – 30 September 2018
2018-10-08 MetaboGen reaches development goal – first product ready for safety study
For additional information please contact
Peter Rothschild, Chairman of the board BioGaia, +46 (0)708 306 540
BioGaia is an innovative Swedish healthcare company that develops, markets and sells probiotic products with documented health benefits. The products are sold through local distribution partners in around 100 countries worldwide. The class B share of the Parent Company BioGaia AB is quoted on the Mid Cap segment of Nasdaq Stockholm.