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Researchers at the University of Helsinki and the Helsinki University Central   
Hospital have in cooperation with Biohit Oyj developed a new method that helps  
reduce the cancer risk posed by acetaldehyde in an anacidic stomach. Favourable 
results from the first clinical trials were presented at the eleventh Finnish   
Gastroenterology Seminar (XI Gastropäivät) held in Helsinki on 12 February 2009.

The method uses a capsule that slowly releases small amounts of cysteine locally
in the stomach. Cysteine is a completely safe amino acid, and 1-2 grams will    
normally be ingested per day as part of a standard diet. The granular, free     
cysteine contained in the capsule (100-200 mg) spreads slowly and evenly        
throughout the stomach, efficiently binding the acetaldehyde molecules and      
rendering them inactive.                                                        

Biohit Oyj seeks to bring its BioCyst capsules to market both in Finland and    
abroad during 2009.                                                             


Helicobacter pylori infection or an autoimmune disease may lead to atrophic     
gastritis (damage to gastric mucosa) and subsequently to an anacidic stomach,   
which is the major risk factor for gastric cancer and also increases the risk of
esophageal cancer. While a healthy, acidic stomach is free of microbes, mouth   
bacteria can live and multiply in an anacidic stomach. Acetaldehyde is the first
metabolic product of alcohol that is produced by microbes or sometimes by cells 
in the mucosa.                                                                  

Acetaldehyde is also present in tobacco smoke in amounts almost one thousand    
times greater than the other carcinogens found in tobacco. Some of the          
acetaldehyde contained in tobacco smoke dissolves into the saliva, thereby      
making its way down into the esophagus and stomach. This is probably why smoking
is an independent risk factor in cancers of the mouth, esophagus and stomach.   
The combined cancer risks of alcohol and tobacco are synergistic.               

An anacidic stomach is also a risk factor for gastric cancer in those who don't 
drink alcohol or smoke. This is because many ‘alcohol-free' drinks and          
foodstuffs contain small traces of alcohol that are changed directly into       
acetaldehyde by microbes in both the mouth and an anacidic stomach. In a low    
acid or acid-free stomach, microbes also produce acetaldehyde and alcohol from  

There is powerful scientific evidence from recent studies to show that          
acetaldehyde is a carcinogen. The substance causes cancer in laboratory animals.
There are also three human gene mutations known to increase the upper digestive 
tract's exposure to acetaldehyde when alcohol is consumed. People carrying these
gene mutations have a much higher risk of developing cancers of the upper       
digestive tract if they drink alcohol, and there are hundreds of millions of    
people in the world who have inherited these gene mutations. A person who       
smokes, is a large-scale consumer of alcohol and carries two of these gene      
mutations has a 380 times higher risk of developing esophageal cancer.          

Over 5 per cent of over 50-year-olds in developed countries suffer from an      
anacidic stomach, and the condition is even more common in Eastern Europe and   
Asia. There are over 50,000 sufferers in Finland and about 500 million          
worldwide. Although most people do not show any symptoms, the condition can be  
diagnosed with gastroscopy or even more easily with a simple blood test         
(GastroPanel, Biohit Oyj). Using PPI medication that prevents stomach acid      
secretion also leads to microbic acetaldehyde production in a low-acid or       
anacidic stomach.                                                               

If cancer is to be prevented, it's crucial that specific cancer-causing factors 
and potential risk groups are identified. There is such compelling scientific   
evidence of a causal relationship between cancer and acetaldehyde in risk groups
(those with an anacidic stomach and/or gene mutations conferring increased      
exposure to acetaldehyde) that many research teams all over the world have      
announced measures for the early identification of risk groups followed by      
repeated monitoring with gastroscopy. Now that this Finnish innovation enables  
us to reduce acetaldehyde exposure, it's even more important to identify and    
inform these risk groups.                                                       


Klas Linderborg1, Tuuli Marvola2, Martti Marvola2, Mikko Salaspuro1, Martti     
Färkkilä3, Satu Väkeväinen1                                                     

1 Acetaldehyde and Cancer Research Unit, Faculty of Medicine, University of     
2 Division of Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics, Faculty of Pharmacy,       
University of Helsinki                                                          
3 Gastroenterology Unit, Clinic of Internal Diseases, Helsinki University       
Central Hospital                                                                

For additional information, contact:	                                           

Scientific information requests:                                                
Mikko Salaspuro, Professor Emeritus                                             
Biomedicum Helsinki, University of Helsinki                                     
Scientific advisor to and Member of the Board of Biohit OYJ                     
Phone: +358-500-511689                                                          

Commercialization-related requests:                                             
Osmo Suovaniemi, Professor                                                      
President & CEO of Biohit Oyj                                                   
Phone: +358-9-773 861

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