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For information see: www.newsweb.noIn connection with the 2nd quarter 2004 report
Bonheur ASA advised that the Oslo Tax Office had
imposed a correction income to a group company
relating to an internal transaction carried out
during the fiscal year 2000. The position of
the tax office was contested by the company.

A recent resolution in this matter made by the
Board of the Oslo Tax Office (`Likningsnemnda`)
implies in practice that a correction income of
about NOK 135 million is added to the taxable
income in the year 2000. Resulting taxes
payable, including certain other tax elements,
may amount to approximately NOK 45 million.

The company has not finally decided on its
position in this matter and will now first
scrutinize the premises for the resolution by
the `Likningsnemnda.`

Contact person: CFO Mårten Lunde, phone +47 22
34 10 00
