A wild day out with the UK’s first Arctic wolves

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THE FIRST EVER Arctic wolf cubs to be seen in the UK will be on show at the UK Wolf Conservation’s Trust (UKWCT) open day on Monday 29thAugust.

The three special cubs were born at Parc Safari in Canada during a fierce snowstorm which left them fighting for their lives after suffering hypothermia. They were rescued by Parc staff and hand-reared before being brought to the UK where they will now become ambassadors for their wild cousins.

The UKWCT is proud to be offering this unique bunch a welcoming home where they will join the Trust’s own set of Beenham cubs born in April this year. Visitors at the Open Day will have the opportunity to see all the Trust’s wolves and take photographs from specially adapted viewing points which include a raised platform next to one of the large enclosures.

The day will be jam-packed with plenty of other activities for visitors including birds of prey demonstrations, the popular “Hug-a-Husky”, nature trails, face-painting and story-telling.

Experts will also be on hand to share their knowledge about Arctic wolves which roam some of the Earth’s last true wilderness areas.

The UKWCT is the only facility in Britain where you can see Arctic, European and North American wolves. The addition of this year’s cubs brings the number to twelve wolves which live in smaller packs in three large enclosures. Acting as ambassadors for their species the wolves help Trust staff and volunteers to raise awareness about the conservation of their wild cousins. Money raised goes towards supporting scientific research and education programmes throughout Europe, North America and Africa.

Trust Founder and Director, Tsa Palmer said: “We have raised £116,000 so far through membership services, donations and the sale of merchandise. This money has been donated to a number of projects throughout the world and is making a real difference to wild wolf conservation.

She added: The Trust’s Open Days are always very well attended and the highlight of the year for us as many people get to see our wolves behaving in their large enclosures pretty much as they would do out in the wild. Children in particular love to see the wolves and we hope that this will encourage them to be positive about conservation and the environment in the future.”

Further information can be found at www.ukwolf.org or by contacting the Trust on 0118 973 330.

Denise Taylor, Bridge PR on tel: 024 76 520025, email: denise@bridgepr.co.uk

Tsa Palmer, Director, UK Wolf Conservation Trust

Tel: 0118 971 3330

Email:  ukwct@ukwolf.org




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