W.I.R.S selects new server package from K3 Managed Services

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W.I.R.S is a Midlands-based welding supplies specialist, with offices in Wolverhampton, Stoke on Trent and Shrewsbury. An existing K3 Syspro customer and SYSPRO ERP user, the company recognises the need for a robust IT strategy to support its expansion. Consequently, when it needed to update its servers, W.I.R.S turned to K3 Managed Services for a complete solution.

Although IT equipment is evolving constantly, hardworking servers will last for between three and five years when running business software. W.I.R.S’s servers had reached the five-year milestone and there was evidence of critical disk errors, which ultimately could result in data loss. A solution had to be found and it had to be in place as quickly as possible to ensure the smooth running of its three busy offices.

“Our previous server was on its last legs so we needed a quick upgrade in order to add some stability to the company’s IT systems. K3 Managed Services offered everything we needed. The upgrade would do everything the previous server with additional benefits. There was also the ongoing IT support that the company offered. Built into the package we benefitted from an online backup system, email security, powerful firewalls, an anti virus solution and anti-spam filters. For us, this was best option, as it offered a full solution rather than just a simple server upgrade” says Mark Ansell, Project Manager, W.I.R.S.

Robust, flexible and cost-effective design

K3 Managed Services is a Microsoft Premier Partner, a fully accredited Dell value-added reseller and Dell Sonicwall Gold Partner. Its team of support specialists assessed the situation and designed a server solution that would provide data security and maximum up time, while giving the functionality to work across all three sites and the flexibility to grow with the business. This also gave W.I.R.S the opportunity to upgrade its SYSPRO solution to the latest version.

K3 Managed Services supplied two of the latest Dell PowerEdge servers configured to provide redundancy, with Microsoft® Windows Small Business Server® 2011, and Microsoft® Windows Terminal Services. The new servers hold up to 16GB of data, which provides ample capacity for W.I.R.S’s needs, and a new online backup system archives the data for additional security. This stores data offsite and if there is a system failure, the new servers can be restored to full operational status much faster than previous methods. WIRS was originally retaining legacy tapes as a means for backup. Legacy tapes need a lot of storage space and by law, cannot be recycled or destroyed. In the event of a merger, two data sets need to be consolidated. By having K3 store all data offsite, factory floor space is freed up for WIRS and data is easy to restore and reference.

The online backup facility that K3 Managed Services included in our server upgrade package allows us to continue our every day jobs without worrying about losing any data. We know that should there be a problem with our IT network, all our data is backed up by K3 and easy to restore. This gives us total peace of mind,” says Mark Ansell.

To protect the IT network, K3 Managed Services installed a Sonicwall TZ series Network Security Appliance. This approach to security was included with the server solution, which meant W.I.R.S had peace of mind without the additional cost of involving a third-party data security firm.

Together with the ERP system, K3 also upgraded W.I.R.S to the latest Microsoft Office and email software. As a company that prides itself on using the latest technology, this was an important feature for WIRS.

“The installation went very smoothly and included a number of key benefits. Not only did K3 Managed Services upgrade all our hardware and software but they had all our operations back to our normal working routines very quickly,” says Mark Ansell. “This meant there was minimum disruption for us and we were free to get on with our own operational duties as quickly as possible.”

“Furthermore as we expand we know we have a solid platform going forward with K3 to take this project further with minimum disruption.”

Extending the benefits

W.I.R.S needs to be confident that the servers will provide secure and resilient storage for all its business data and information. K3 Managed Services has a total understanding of the demands that business software, specifically K3 installed software like SYSPRO, has on hardware. As part of the wider K3 Syspro group, K3 Managed Services understands business critical applications, making it a knowledgeable business partner. As a result, it was able to develop a tailored and balanced, smooth-running solution that met the needs of WIRS. K3 Managed Services also provides remote 24/7 support. To get this level of system support from other hardware vendors would require contracting an additional external supplier to give the backup the company needs – an expensive commodity. Not only would a business have to spend the time researching and choosing a supplier, but it would be paying for two different services rather than one combined solution.

As part of the installation process, WIRS also benefitted from email security. Rather than just replacing an old server, K3 Managed Services developed a full solution that would look after all of WIRS’ IT network and give the business enhanced agility. As a result, WIRS now has all incoming and outgoing emails backed up in a remote location and, in the event of a system shut down, can restore all important correspondence with the help of K3 Managed Services.

“Email is everything these days – where would we be without it? It was always important for us that our new server backed up all our emails and kept them safe and secure. In the event of a power failure we want to know that we won’t lose any important correspondence, which makes this server upgrade ideal for us, with the email support that it offers,” says Mark Ansell.

Now that the server solution is in place, W.I.R.S can get on with business without worrying about its IT, safe in the knowledge that K3 Managed Services is on hand at all times for on-going support .

“So far nothing has gone wrong with our IT hardware or with SYSPRO – it is all new kit so I wouldn’t expect it to just yet. However, we do feel more comfortable in the knowledge that should anything go wrong, we have the ongoing support of K3 Managed Services. If we do experience a problem, the support team will resolve it. This is very important as we are keen to get on with our own jobs rather than worrying about our IT systems,” says Mark Ansell.

For more information please contact:

Editorial - Sarah Winterbottom, Marketing Assistant, K3 Managed Services on 0161 876 4498 or

John Edden, Bridge PR & Media Services on 024 76 520025, or e-mail john@bridgepr.co.uk.

About K3 Managed Services

K3 Managed Services is part of the K3 Group of Companies. As a key UK Microsoft channel partner, the businesses focuses primarily on the retail, manufacturing and distribution sectors, supporting some 3,000 customers in over 20 countries worldwide. Their services include but are not limited to; ERP solutions, business support, on site devices, business continuity, networking and communications and security and compliance.




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We do feel more comfortable in the knowledge that should anything go wrong, we have the ongoing support of K3 Managed Services. If we do experience a problem, the support team will resolve it.
Mark Ansell, Project Manager, WIRS