Bulletin from the AGM in Brighter AB.

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At the Annual General Meeting in Brighter AB (publ) on May 9th, 2019, the shareholders adopted the following main resolutions:

The AGM adopted the presented income statement and balance sheet and discharged the members of the Board of Directors and the CEO for liability in respect of the financial year 2018.

The AGM resolved on dispositions regarding the company's results according to the adopted balance sheet in accordance with the Board's proposal.

The AGM resolved on the fees to be paid to Board members in accordance with the Nomination Committee's proposal.

The AGM resolved to re-elect Lars Flening, Catarina Ihre and Jan Stålemark as members of the Board of Directors. Truls Sjöstedt, Tove Andersson and Emanuel Lipschütz was elected new members of the Board of Directors. Truls Sjöstedt was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors.

The AGM resolved to re-elect the auditing company Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers AB as the company's auditor.

The AGM resolved to amend the Articles of Association in accordance with the proposal under item 15 of the notice, including, among other things, changing the limits of the company's share capital and the number of shares.

The AGM resolved on the issuance of warrants, as well as the approval of the transfer of warrants to the company’s Board members, in accordance with the proposal under item 16 of the notice.

The AGM resolved on the issuance of warrants, as well as the approval of the transfer of warrants to employees and key members of the company, in accordance with the board’s proposal.

In accordance with the board’s proposal concerning the authorisation of an issue, the AGM has resolved as follows:

The Board is to be authorised to, on one or more occasions prior to the next AGM, resolve on the new issuance of shares, the issuance of warrants, and/or the issuance of convertibles primarily as follows:

The issuance is to be able to be conducted with or without deviating from the shareholders’ preferential rights. The authorisation is to include the right to resolve on an issuance in exchange for cash payment, offset payment or payment in kind, and in other respects be compatible with the conditions stipulated in chapter 2, section 5, second paragraph 1-3 and 5 in the Swedish Companies Act. The company shall comply with the available guidelines to ensure shareholders' interests in the best way when using the authorisation of an issuance.

For further information, please contact:

Ann Zetterberg, CFO
Phone: +46 708 37 21 23
E-mail: ann.zetterberg@brighter.se

About Brighter AB (publ)
Brighter is a Swedish-based company that, from a unique IP portfolio, creates smart solutions for one of healthcare’s biggest challenges: changing patient behavior. Chronic diseases such as diabetes are rapidly increasing, and account for an increasing share of healthcare costs globally. Brighter's Business Model and Multi-Sided Market Platform - The Benefit Loop® - is based on the fact that many special interests create value for each other. By increasing access to valid health data, Brighter creates value for all stakeholders in the care chain: patients and their close associates, healthcare providers, research institutes, the pharmaceutical industry, and society as a whole. https://brighter.se/

The Company's shares are listed on NASDAQOMX First North/BRIG. Brighter’s Certified Adviser on Nasdaq OMX First North is Eminova Fondkommission AB, +46 (0)8 – 684 211 00, info@eminova.sewww.eminova.se.

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