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NVQs provide additional reassurance to passengers

Taxi drivers at Bristol Airport have passed a specialist City & Guilds qualification with flying colours, further demonstrating the quality service available to passengers requiring transport to or from the Airport. Over 80 drivers with Airport taxi operator, Checker Cars, have signed up for the Road Passenger Transport NVQ and 50 have already successfully completed the course. Subjects covered include customer service, law and health and safety. Rob Shaw, General Manager of Checker Cars at Bristol Airport, said: “The aim is for all of our drivers to complete the NVQ, and we are well on course to achieve this. We are making significant investment in the fleet in order to offer passengers a top class service, and it is important that, at the same time, we invest in making sure our drivers are also the best in the business.” Tom Hack, Commercial Manager (Ground Transportation), said: “Alongside the Flyer bus service, taxis play an important role in providing access to Bristol Airport. Drivers often spend longer with our passengers than any members of the terminal team, so their performance has a strong influence on first impressions, not just of the Airport but of the South West. By investing in its people and its product, Checker Cars is playing its part in making sure these first impressions are positive.” Earlier this year Bristol Airport agreed a five year deal with Checker Cars aimed at providing an improved service to passengers. The new contract secured the delivery of a new fleet of more environmentally friendly vehicles and a range of new services, as well as introducing a new code of conduct for drivers. The current Ford Focus ‘Econectic’ fleet incorporates the latest low emissions technology and a ‘start-stop’ system to reduce fuel consumption. The vehicles have been sourced from and will be serviced by a local supplier, Winford Ford, located just three miles from Bristol Airport. Checker Cars are also working on other innovations including an e-ticket machine for the arrivals concourse to reduce queuing in the taxi office during busy periods. Ends Picture shows (from front to back): Rob Shaw (General Manager for Checker Cars at Bristol Airport) with drivers Ken Lloyd, Nigel Johnson, Giorgio Debolini and Adrian Cooke. For further information please contact: James Gore, Bristol Airport, 01275 475447 / 07717 896315 Jacqui Mills, Bristol Airport, 01275 473615 / 07712 792915

