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First month’s figures show return to growth at airport

In the first month of the new year, more people used Bristol International than in the same month last year, signalling a return to growth at the airport. There were 322,108 passengers in January 2010, an increase of 542 passengers (or 0.2 per cent) over January 2009. Growth was achieved despite significant disruption to flights caused by severe weather across the UK and Europe. It is estimated that, without the impact of the worst snowfall in thirty years, an increase in passenger numbers of at least five per cent would have been recorded. Bristol International performed well in comparison to other regional airports across the UK, most of whom experienced double digit declines in January. Both charter and scheduled international business saw a year on year increase, driven by a strong ski programme and increased flights from Brussels Airlines, respectively. Growth is expected to continue as the year progresses, with the first quarter of 2010 seeing the introduction of new routes by Ryanair, easyJet and Flybe. Brussels Airlines also began operating a third daily flight to the Belgian capital on 10 January, opening up access to convenient onward connections across Europe and Africa. Robert Sinclair, Chief Executive Officer of Bristol International Airport, said: “This is an encouraging result which demonstrates the resilience of the South West market. We forecast continued growth throughout 2010, with this summer potentially our busiest ever, underlining the need to plan now to ensure facilities are in place to meet future demand and secure the benefits the airport brings to the region.” 2010 will be a year of landmarks at Bristol International. The airport celebrates its 80th anniversary in May, while Continental Airlines will mark five years of transatlantic flights from Bristol in the same month. In March, the terminal building will be ten years old and is expected to handle its 50 millionth passenger towards the end of the year. Significant improvements are scheduled to be completed over the coming months, including a 450m long walkway linking the terminal to aircraft stands on the western apron. The walkway will reduce the need for buses to transfer passengers between the terminal building and arriving and departing planes. A state-of-the-art ‘walk through’ tax and duty free store will also open in the spring, with regional products showcased in a ‘Best of the West’ range. Ends For further information please contact: James Gore, Bristol International Airport, 01275 475447 / 07717 896315 Jacqui Mills, Bristol International Airport, 01275 473615 / 07712 792915