Intense pace of investment and increased Nordic expansion

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  • Income for the January–September 2021 period totalled MSEK 4,437 (4,488).
  • Income from property management amounted to MSEK 2,503 (2,588), equivalent to SEK 9.14 (9.48) per share – a change of –4%.
  • Change in value on properties amounted to MSEK 4,531 (816) and on derivatives to MSEK 191 (–212).
  • Net income for the period amounted to MSEK 7,064 (2,549), corresponding to SEK 25.79 (9.33) per share.
  • Long-term net reinstatement value (EPRA NRV) amounted to SEK 230 per share (200), an increase of 15%.
  • Net investments amounted to MSEK –3,374 (1,996) of which MSEK 8,846 (317) pertained to acquisitions, MSEK 2,488 (1,800) to new construction, extensions and reconstructions, and MSEK 14,708 (121) to sales. Moreover, SEK 11.7 billion was invested in the Norwegian listed property company Entra.
  • Net lettings for the period were MSEK 93 (191).

“Our underlying business is strong, and we are experiencing a healthy rental and property market, which our net lettings and robust increase in value from the last quarter in particular testify to", says Jakob Mörndal, acting CEO of Castellum AB.

The report can be found at

For more information please contact:

Jakob Mörndal, Acting CEO of Castellum AB, +46 706-96 82 00
Ulrika Danielsson, CFO Castellum AB, +46 706-47 12 61

This disclosure contains information that Castellum is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication through the agency of the contact person set out above on 19 October 2021 at 8:00 am CEST.

About Castellum

Castellum is one of the Nordic region’s largest listed property companies with a property value of approximately SEK 165 billion, including our share of the Norwegian company Entra ASA. We are active in attractive Swedish growth regions as well as in Copenhagen and the Helsinki area. Every day, 250,000 people go to work in our premises. We develop flexible workplaces and logistics solutions with a lettable area of 3.9 million square meters. One of our sustainability goals is to become entirely climate neutral by 2030 at the latest. Castellum is the only Nordic property company selected by the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI). The Castellum share is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm Large Cap.

Beyond expectations.
