Catella AB – Year-end Report 2014

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The group’s net sales excluding IPM increased by 32% in the fourth quarter due to improvements across most of our businesses, especially advisory services.

Fourth quarter 2014

  • Net sales were SEK 492 M (331)
  • Profit/loss before tax was SEK 102 M (1)
  • Profit/loss after tax was SEK 102 M (-3)
  • Earnings per share were SEK 1.18 (-0.04)
  • The Board of Directors is proposing a dividend of SEK 0.20 (0.00) per class A and B share for 2014

Full year 2014

  • Net sales SEK 1,445 M (1,020)
  • Profit/loss before tax SEK 248 M (-7)
  • Profit/loss after tax SEK 227 M (-21)
  • Earnings per share SEK 2.66 (-0.26)
  • Equity: SEK 1,252 M (932)
  • Equity per share: SEK 15.33 (11.40)

Corporate Finance

  • Fourth quarter: net sales were SEK 215 M (145) and profit/loss before tax was SEK 53 M (9)
  • Fourth quarter: property transaction volumes of SEK 36.1 Bn (13.0)
  • Full year: net sales of SEK 527 M (397) and profit/loss before tax of SEK 80 M (11)
  • Full year: property transaction volumes of SEK 73.1 Bn (50.3)

Asset Management

  • Fourth quarter: net sales were SEK 282 M (188) and profit/loss before tax was SEK 40 M (7)
  • Fourth quarter: volumes under management were SEK 122.4 Bn (52.3) at year-end, of which IPM SEK 45.4 Bn (0). Volumes under management, excluding IPM, increased by SEK 10.5 Bn (6.3) and net inflows were SEK 5.7 Bn (4.6)
  • Full year: net sales were SEK 925 M (630) and profit before tax was SEK 117 M (17)
  • Full year: volumes under management, excluding IPM’s opening balance of SEK 42.8 Bn, increased by SEK 27.2 Bn (11.1), and net inflows were SEK 19.7 Bn (7.2)

“The group’s net sales excluding IPM increased by 32% in the fourth quarter due to improvements across most of our businesses, especially advisory services”, says Knut Pedersen, Catella’s CEO and President.

The information in this Report is mandatory for Catella AB (publ) to publish in accordance with the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act and/or the Swedish Securities Markets Act. This information was submit-ted to the market for publication on 19 February 2015 at 7:00 a.m. (CET).

For more information, please contact: 
Knut Pedersen
CEO and President
+46 8 463 33 10  

Press contact:
Ann Charlotte Svensson
Head of Communications
+46 8 463 32 55, +46 72 510 11 61  

About Catella: Catella is a financial advisor and asset manager with specialist expertise within property, fixed income and equities. We have a leading position in the property sector and a strong local presence in Europe, with some 500 employees in 12 countries. Catella is listed on First North Premier at Nasdaq Stockholm. Read more at
