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  • Decisions taken at the Extraordinary General Meeting in Scribona. Scribona has renamed to Catella.

Decisions taken at the Extraordinary General Meeting in Scribona. Scribona has renamed to Catella.

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This is a translation of the Swedish version. In case of any discrepancy between the English and the Swedish versions, the Swedish version shall take precedence.

The Extraordinary General Meeting, 15th of October, in Scribona AB (publ) decided: 

  • to change the Articles of Association regarding the company’s name and the lower limit for the number of board members. Accordingly, Scribona AB (publ) changed its name to Catella AB (publ) and changed the number of board members to least four and no more than ten with no more than two deputies.
  • that the board shall consist of four board members and no deputies until the next annual general meeting.
  • to sell 30% of the share capital and votes in Catella Capital Intressenter AB to a partnership owned by senior executives employed in the Catella Capital group.
  • to transfer the assets in Catella Corporate Finance AB to two partnerships (Sw. handelsbolag) owned by 35 per cent by senior executives employed in the Catella Corporate Finance group through a partnership and by 65 per cent by Scribona Nordic AB.
  • to introduce a nominating committee and that the company’s three largest shareholders will appoint three persons to constitute the nominating committee. 


For additional information contact:

Johan Ericsson, CEO, phone: +46-(0)70 544 00 00 


Visit also: www.scribona.com or www.catella.com


Scribona is listed on First North and Remium AB, 08-454 32 00, is the company´s Certified Adviser.


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