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The Nominating Committee’s proposal concerning Board membership and Chairman at Catella AB (publ)

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Catella’s Nominating Committee has decided to propose the re-election of Board members Johan Claesson, Björn Edgren and Peter Gyllenhammar and the election of Jan Roxendal and Niklas Johansson until the close of the next Annual General Meeting. The Nominating Committee proposes Johan Claesson as the Chairman of the Board.


Information about the proposed new members:

Jan Roxendal, born 1953, Stockholm. General College Degree in Banking. President of Gambro AB. Jan Roxendal has previously served as the President and CEO of Intrum Justitia, Vice President and member of the Executive Board of the ABB Group and in other senior positions at the ABB Group.

Other current assignments of significance: Board member of the Swedish Export Credit Corporation and chairman of Swedish Export Credits Guarantee Board and mySafety Group.

Jan Roxendal is independent in relation to the company and its principal owner, and does not hold any shares or options in the company.


Niklas Johansson, born 1961, Huddinge. BSc, MBA and CEFA. Niklas Johansson has previously held positions at Ernst & Young, Skandia Liv and Crédit Agricole Indosuez Cheuvreaux Nordic, and has been Group CEO of Carnegie Investment Bank.

Other current assignments of significance: Board member of Profi Fastigheter and chairman of Apotekets Pensionsstiftelse.

Niklas Johansson is independent in relation to the company and its principal owner, and does not hold any shares or options in the company.


In accordance with a resolution adopted by the Extraordinary General Meeting on 15 October 2010, Catella’s three largest shareholders have appointed Johan Claesson to the Nominating Committee as a representative for CA Plusinvest AB, Martin Hansson as a representative for Bronsstädet AB and Lars G Öberg as a representative for Stiftelsen Olle Engkvist Byggmästare. Lars G Öberg is the Chairman of the Nominating Committee.


For more information, please contact:
Johan Ericsson
Chief Executive Officer, Catella
46 8 463 33 10

Press contact:
Anne Rådestad
Head of Communications, Catella
46 8 463 34 29, 46 73 654 74 50

About Catella: Catella is a European finance group active in Corporate Finance and Asset Management. In these operating segments, Catella focuses on selected segments in which advanced specialist expertise and local presence, combined with international reach, are key in creating added value for clients. Catella has approximately 420 employees working at offices in 24 cities in 13 European countries. Catella share is listed on First North and traded under the abbreviations CAT A and CAT B. Remium AB is Catella’s Certified Adviser, 46 8 454 32 00. Read more about Catella at www.catella.se.


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