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  • Catena changes date for Extraordinary General Meeting and proposes increase in the number of Board members

Catena changes date for Extraordinary General Meeting and proposes increase in the number of Board members

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On the initiative of Catena’s major shareholders, CLS Holding plc, Erik Selin Fastigheter AB and Catella Fonder, which combined own more than 60 percent of all shares in the company, Catena has convened an Extraordinary General Meeting to be held October 16 to elect a new Board of Directors. Since publication of the initial notice to attend the Meeting, the initiating shareholders, in consultation with Catena’s Nomination Committee, have partially adjusted their initial proposal in a move intended to achieve better balance and continuity in the Board’s work.

Accordingly, the principal shareholders currently propose the following:
- that the number of Board members is set at eight (compared with the current six);
- that the following (partially) new Board is elected:
Henry Klotz (new election, proposed as Chairman), Lennart Schönning (new election), Erik Selin (new election), Per Sjöberg (new election), Svante Wadman (new election), Christer Sandberg (new election), Ingrid Berggren (re-elected) and Peter Hallgren (President, re-elected)
- and that the Board’s current members (except Ingrid Berggren and Peter Hallgren) are dismissed, that is, Curt Lönnström (currently Chairman), Lars Söderblom, Erik Törnberg and Gerhard Versteegh.

To ensure that this proposal shall be addressed in a formally correct manner, a new decision to hold a General Meeting about the proposal to increase the number of Board members to eight (from the current six) as well as the proposal to elect new Board members must be taken. Consequently, this requires a new notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting.

For the reasons stated above, Catena’s Board today decided the following.

The announced Extraordinary General Meeting on October 16 is being cancelled.

A new notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on Thursday, October 25, 2007 shall be published as soon as possible through advertisement in the Post och Inrikes Tidningar (Swedish Official Gazette) and in Svenska Dagbladet. Concurrently, the new notice is being published on Catena’s website www.catenafastigheter.se

Ulf Strömsten, member of Catena’s Nomination Committee, comments:
“The proposal for a new Board published earlier involves a change of all current Board members except the company’s President, Peter Hallgren. Since the notice was published, consultation occurred with the company’s principal shareholders regarding the possibility of expanding the Board to better reflect the new ownership structure and ensure continuity in the Board’s work, despite the significant renewal of the Board that the principal owners desire. The proposal now being presented meets these wishes. By law, the new proposal requires a new Meeting notice. As a result, the General Meeting on October 16 is being cancelled and instead a new notice shall be made in the prescribed manner as soon as possible.”


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