Catena moves to new office in Göteborg

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April 3 marks the opening of Catena’s new office at Lilla Bommen 6 in Göteborg.

Lilla Bommen is well-known to all Gothenburg residents. In mid-downtown Göteborg, in close proximity to the central train station and the new Göta tunnel, it is readily accessible by both train and automobile.

To enhance flexibility and accessibility while gaining a more effective communications solution, we have chosen The cordless office. With The cordless office we can work with mobility both in and outside the office. You can always contact us via our direct number and pay only the fixed network call rate.

You can reach us at our new office:
Street address: Lilla Bommen 6
Post address: Box 262, SE-401 24 Göteborg, Sweden
Tel: +46-31-760 09 30
Fax: +46-31-700 89 88

For direct telephone numbers and addresses to our employees, press here.
