Catena released from option agreement
Kilenkrysset has released Catena from an option agreement regarding rights to acquire logistics land in Staffanstorp.
4 September 2019, 1:30 p.m. CET
In an agreement between Catena and Kilenkrysset, Kilenkrysset has provided an option conveying rights for Catena to acquire an area of land in the Municipality of Staffanstorp.
Kilenkrysset now intends to sell the land to another player, which is why it has chosen to redeem the option agreement. The compensation for this redemption amounts to SEK 59 million, which will be reported in its entirety as a realised change in value in the financial accounts for the third quarter.
For further information, please contact
Benny Thögersen, CEO
Tel. +46 730-660 83 50
Jörgen Eriksson, Regional Manager Malmö
Tel. +46 42-449 22 42
Catena is a listed property company that, through collaboration sustainably develops, owns and manages efficient logistics facilities. Its strategically located properties supply the Scandinavian metropolitan areas and are adapted for both current and future goods flows. The overall objective is to generate strong cash flow, enabling stable development and providing shareholders a favourable total return in the long term. As of 30 June 2019, the properties had a total value of SEK 15,570.4 million. Catena’s shares are traded on NASDAQ Stockholm, Mid Cap.