Notice convening Extraordinary General Meeting on October 25, 2007

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Shareholders of Catena AB (publ) are hereby summoned to an Extraordinary General Meeting on Tues-day October 25, at 2.00 p.m. at Lilla Bommen’s conference center, Lilla Bomen 4A, Gothenburg. Reg-istration for the Extraordinary General Meeting will commence at 1:30 p.m.

The Extraordinary General Meeting of Catena previously scheduled for October 16, 2007 has been canceled

Catena’s shareholders’ register is maintained by VPC AB. Only owner-registered holdings are listed in the names of the shareholders in the share register. To be entitled to participate in the Extraordinary General Meeting, owners of shares registered in the name of a trustee must have the shares registered in their own names. Shareholders who have trustee-registered shares should request that the bank or broker managing the shares implement temporary owner registration, so-called voting-right registration, sev-eral banking days prior to October 19, 2007. Trustees normally charge a fee for this.

Registration for participation at the Extraordinary General Meeting may be made:
– via a form on Catena’s website:
– by telephone to +46 (0) 31-760 09 39
– in writing to: Catena AB, Box 262, SE-401 24 Gothenburg, Sweden
– by e-mail to:

Registration should include name, personal registration number (corporate registration number), address and telephone number. Shareholders who wish to participate in the Meeting must submit notice prior to expiration of the notice period, meaning not later than October 19, 2007, 4.00 p.m.

A shareholder who is not personally present at the General Meeting may exercise his/her voting rights through a representative, who shall have the shareholder’s signed proxy. The proxy may not be more than one year old. Legitimate papers (registration certificate or corresponding) must be enclosed for proxies issued by a legal entity. These documents should be submitted to Catena not later than October 19, 2007. Proxy forms are available at A shareholder or representative may be accompanied by at most two advisors at the General Meeting. If the shareholder wishes to be accom-panied by advisors, notification must be provided not later than October 19, 2007, 4.00 p.m.

NOTE that registration to attend the now canceled Extraordinary General Meeting previously scheduled to be held on October 16, 2007 does not apply as registration to attend the Extraordi-nary General Meeting to be held on October 25, 2007. New registration is required in accordance with this notice.

Agenda proposal
1. Opening of the Meeting.
2. Election of the Chairman of the Meeting.
3. Verification and approval of the voting list.
4. Election of two minutes-checkers to check the minutes with the Chairman.
5. Approval of the agenda.
6. Determination of whether the Meeting has been duly convened.
7. Motion concerning the number of Board members to be elected by the Meeting.
8. Election of Board members and Chairman of the Board.

The Extraordinary General Meeting has been convened at the request of shareholders who jointly repre-sent more than 60 percent of the voting rights for all shares in the company. The business that the share-holders concerned would like addressed at the General Meeting is as follows:
Item 7:
The motion that eight Board members be elected (expansion from six members at present).
Item 8:
The motion to elect the following (partially new) Board of Directors:
New election of: Henry Klotz, Lennart Schönning, Erik Selin, Per Sjöberg, Svante Wadman and Chris-ter Sandberg.
Retirement of: Curt Lönnström, Lars Söderblom, Erik Törnberg and Gerard Versteegh.

It is proposed that Peter Hallgren, the company’s President, and Ingrid Berggren, remain as Board members.
Henry Klotz is proposed as new Chairman of the Board.

The reasons given for the above-mentioned motions were the changes that have occurred in the owner-ship structure of the company following the latest Annual General Meeting.
To facilitate the new election of the persons listed above, Curt Lönnström, Lars Söderblom, Erik Törn-berg, Gerard Versteegh, who were all elected Board members at the company’s Annual General Meet-ing on April 23, 2007, have retired from their seats on the Board.

Henry Klotz is Managing Director of CLS Germany GmbH, CLS Sweden AB and Endicott Sweden AB, and Board member of Endicott Investment B.V., Endicott Sweden AB and CLS Sweden AB. The CLS Group owns 3,361,000 shares (29.1 percent) of Catena. Henry Klotz owns no Catena shares.

Lennart Schönning conducts investment operations involving properties and power plants through his own company, Property Dynamics AB, and is a Board member of Nordicom Sverige AB. Lennart Schönning owns no Catena shares.

Erik Selin is President and Board member of Fastighets AB Balder and Board member of Din Bostad AB, Annehem Holding AB and RL Nordic AB. Through companies, Erik Selin owns 2,406,300 shares (20.8 percent) of Catena.

Per Sjöberg is Chief Executive Officer at CLS Holdings plc, Board member of a large number of com-panies within the CLS Group and Chairman of the Board of Bulgarian Land Development plc. Per Sjöberg owns no Catena shares.

Svante Wadman works as a consultant within the property sector and is a Board member of Stellar Holdings, Stellar Poland and ByggVesta. Svante Wadman owns no Catena shares.

Christer Sandberg is a lawyer and partner in Advokatfirman Björn Rosengren, Stockholm. He is active to a considerable extent in the CLS Group. For a brief period, Christer Sandberg has been a member of Catena’s Nomination Committee, although he has not participated in the Nomination Committee’s han-dling of the above motion concerning new Board membership. Christer Sandberg owns no Catena shares.

The proposed composition of the new Board of Directors’ is deemed to correspond to requirements for independence in relation to the company, company management and the company’s major shareholders in accordance with listing requirements for the OMX Nordic Exchange, Stockholm.

9. Closing of the Extraordinary General Meeting.
Gothenburg, October 2007
Board of Directors

For further information, contact Curt Lönnström, Board Chairman, +46 (0)705-91 50 33


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