Report from Cinnober’s Extraordinary General Meeting on 13 March 2017: approval of directed issue
Cinnober Financial Technology AB (publ) held an extraordinary general meeting on Monday 13 March 2017 under the chairmanship of attorney at law Thomas Nygren. The meeting resolved to approve the Board’s resolution on a directed share issue to a selected number of institutional investors contacted in advance which was communicated through a press release on 23 February 2017.
Through the directed issue, 692,307 new shares will be issued in the company, entailing an increase of the share capital of SEK 692,307. The shares are issued at a subscription price of SEK 260. Accordingly, the company receives proceeds of approximately SEK 180 million before deduction of issue costs.
The reason for deviating from existing shareholders’ preferential rights is to broaden the company’s institutional shareholder base and to capitalize on the opportunity to swiftly secure funding on favourable terms for the development of its subsidiary operating with real-time clearing for banks.
For further information regarding the issue please refer to the press release published on 23 February 2017.
For further information or discussion, please contact:
Veronica Augustsson
Cinnober Financial Technology AB
+46-(0)8-503 047 00
Fredrik Backlund
Head of Corporate Communications
Cinnober Financial Technology AB
+46-(0)73-403 12 39
About Cinnober Financial Technology
Cinnober provides solutions and services to leading trading and clearing venues, including exchanges, clearinghouses, banks and brokers. Cinnober’s customers include the Australian Securities Exchange, BM&FBOVESPA, Dubai Gold & Commodities Exchange, Euronext, Japan Exchange Group, Johannesburg Stock Exchange, London Metal Exchange, LME Clear and Stock Exchange of Thailand. Cinnober is listed on First North in Stockholm, with Avanza as Certified Advisor. For additional information, please visit