
With Cinode, we have managed to replace our previous CV tool, our CRM and two critical Excel sheets, with one single system. We have connected all companies within the corporation through Cinode, and we use their API to integrate all our business systems
Roger Bille, Sales Manager Omegapoint
In a time when skills and competencies are becoming all the more important, Cinode is a prototypical example of how tech can act an enabler for the creation of growth. Cinode is a great company in the throes of strong growth with an impressive client portfolio and a good position on the market. Cinode’s technology makes it possible to streamline and create value within an industry that is highly dependent on people
Kamjar Hajabdolahi, founder Blq invest
Together with Cinode, we are now further developing our tools for the management and accurate presentation of the Group’s capabilities, something that strengthens our brand even further. We look forward to continuing the development of our partnership with Cinode.
Per Wallentin, CEO at Knowit
With Cinode we are able to achieve the further development of our digitalised work methods for management of our skills and CVs. By structuring and visualising our knowledge, we can simplify and support the collaboration and growth within our network-oriented organisation
Per Wallentin, CEO at Knowit
Our consultants are very positive about Cinode. In particular they like how intuitive the tool is and how easy it is to get started. The easy-to-use skills search function makes it easier to find colleagues and improves the internal communication within the company.
Thomas Schaumann, Manager Business Region Stockholm at Prevas
Cinode is the first product designed according to a software company’s needs. Other products are for different use cases or not suitable for us. Cinode's product vision is aligned with our vision
Jesse Peurala, CEO at Fraktio
We searched for simple and quick features, easily accessible to everyone. We found that and much more with Cinode
Anders Oscarsson, General Manager TrueSec
Using Cinode, we enable value for our entire company, supplying all employees with a shared view of their colleagues’ skills and availability in one place.
Magnus Karlsson, COO Transcendent Group