Invitation: Ethics of AI webinar on 27 November

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What is ethical artificial intelligence? How can public administrations and companies utilise artificial intelligence in a fair manner? These are the questions that will be explored in the webinar organised by the University of Helsinki, City of Helsinki and Finnish Centre for Artificial Intelligence on Friday 27 November.

Welcome to the webinar on Friday 27 November at 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. (UTC +2)

Artificial intelligence is being increasingly used to support decision-making relating to citizens. What ethical considerations must be taken into account by users and developers of AI systems? What are the ethical pitfalls of processing personal health information, for example?

The Ethics of AI webinar will shed light on the ways in which public administrations in Finland and abroad are responding to these questions. The event will be organised by University of Helsinki, Finnish Centre for Artificial Intelligence (FCAI) and City of Helsinki.

A new Ethics of AI online course opens

A new open and free Ethics of AI online course will also be introduced during the event. The course provided by the University of Helsinki will help public administration, companies and citizens understand what the ethical use of artificial intelligence actually means and what it requires from society and individuals. The course was prepared in cooperation with the cities of Helsinki, Amsterdam and London, and the Ministry of Finance.

Programme: Ethics of AI webinar  

Opening words
Vice-Rector Paula Eerola, University of Helsinki 

Implementing the ethics of AI in the City of Helsinki
Mayor Jan Vapaavuori, City of Helsinki

Introducing the new Ethics of AI open online course
Professor Sasu Tarkoma, University Lecturer Anna-Mari Rusanen and Professor Jukka K. Nurminen, University of Helsinki

Keynote: Ethics of AI in EU from the industry point of view
Chair of the EU High-level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence Pekka Ala-Pietilä

Four examples demonstrating the use of artificial intelligence in public services
City of Helsinki, City of Amsterdam, City of London and the Ministry of Finance of Finland.

Participation instructions:

  • The Ethics of AI webinar will be held in English. The webinar is free and open to everyone. 
  • Register for the event here. Afterwards, participants will be sent a link to a recording of the event.
  • Watch the live stream via the Think Corner website or Helsinki-kanava
  • Join the discussion on Presemo
  • Updates on any possible changes will be posted on this page.
  • Join the discussion on social media with the hashtag #EthicsofAI

Come and join us!

More information about the event:

Hilu Kangas-Ranta
Project Coordinator, University of Helsinki  
+358 50 472 6871

More information about the Ethics of AI course:

Anna-Mari Rusanen
University Lecturer of Cognitive Science, University of Helsinki
+358 50 405 9737

City of Helsinki:

Pasi Rautio
Project Manager, City of Helsinki  
+358 40 833 2528
City of Helsinki AI register
Digital Helsinki

Johanna Snellman
Communications Specialist
City of Helsinki
+358 40 843 0915
City of Helsinki

Helsinki is one of the fastest developing centers in Europe and one of the most functional cities in the world. The partnership between the City of Helsinki and the University of Helsinki boosts well-being and competitiveness locally, nationally and globally. 


