Clas Ohlson interim report Q2 2024/25
A strong quarter and a good start to Christmas shoppingSecond quarter – 1 August to 31 October · Net sales amounted to 2,801 MSEK (2,460), an increase of 14%, of which 8% relates to organic growth, -3% to currency effects and 9% to sales in Spares Group · Online sales amounted to 527 MSEK (297). Excluding Spares Group, online sales amounted to 316 MSEK (297), an increase of 6% · Operating profit amounted to 307 MSEK (245*) · Profit after tax totalled 230 MSEK (173) · Earnings per share was SEK 3.63 (2.74) Six months – 1 May to 31 October · Net sales amounted to 5,