Baseload Capital investigates the opportunity to issue a green bond

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Financing company Baseload Capital, which Climeon owns 19.9 percent of, has established a green bond framework and is investigating the opportunity to issue a green bond. The purpose of the capital raise is to accelerate the global deployment of geothermal heat power. 

Baseload Capital has today published a green bond framework and is now investigating the opportunity to issue a green bond. Climeon is not one of the signatories. The purpose of the capital raise is to finance more projects within geothermal heat power and accelerate the global deployment of geothermal power plants. Baseload Capital will initially focus on projects in Japan.

In the beginning of 2018 Baseload Capital Sweden was formed by Climeon, Blue, Gullspång Invest and LMK in order to offer short- and long-term financing of sustainable baseload power. Since Baseload Capital’s founding, the intention has been to further increase the financing capacity by issuing securities.

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For further information, please contact: 
Thomas Öström, CEO, Climeon 
+46 708 94 96 05

Christoffer Andersson, COO, Climeon 
+46 762 00 72 99

About Climeon
Climeon is a Swedish product company within energy technology. The company's unique technology for geothermal heat power - Heat Power - provides sustainable electricity around the clock all year round, in abundance and cheaper than the alternatives, and thus outperforms other types of energy. Climeon aims to become a global leader and the world's number one climate solver. The B share is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm First North Premier. Certified Adviser is FNCA Sweden AB.