Componenta sells Karkkilan Lääkärikeskus to Mehiläinen

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Componenta Corporation Press release 9.2.2016

Karkkilan Lääkärikeskus Ltd, part of Componenta Group, has today signed an agreement to sell its business, providing medical and occupational health services, to Mehiläinen Ltd. An ownership of Karkkilan Lääkärikeskus will transfer to Mehiläinen from 1 March 2016 onwards.

“Mehiläinen’s core competence and business is to offer medical and occupational health services and based on that, they can develop operations and services of Karkkilan Lääkärikeskus further. Also, the new owner strengthens the ironworks area and its versatile company base as well as local services,” says Mika Härkönen, Managing Director of Högfors-Ruukki.

Originally, Karkkilan Lääkärikeskus was established in 1990 to provide occupational health services for the Högfors foundry of Componenta. Over the years, the medical center’s, operating in the ironworks area in Karkkila, service range has been expanded significantly. Today, it covers a large scale of occupational health services for 100 corporate customers and medical and specialist services for private customers. In addition, it provides physiotherapy services and laboratory researches.

For additional information, please contact:

Mika Härkönen, Managing Director of Högfors-Ruukki, tel. +358 50 506 8040, mika.harkonen(at)

Componenta is a metal sector company with international operations and production plants located in Finland, Turkey, the Netherlands and Sweden. The net sales of Componenta were EUR 495 million in 2015 and its share is listed on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki. The Group employs approx. 4,250 people. Componenta specializes in supplying cast and machined components and total solutions made of them to its global customers who are manufacturers of vehicles, machines and equipment.