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  • Notification pursuant to Chapter 9, section 5 of the Securities Markets Act: Sampo Oyj’s holding in Componenta has exceeded 10%

Notification pursuant to Chapter 9, section 5 of the Securities Markets Act: Sampo Oyj’s holding in Componenta has exceeded 10%

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Componenta has today received the following notification pursuant to Chapter 9, section 5 of the Securities Markets Act concerning the shares of Componenta Corporation. 

Sampo Oyj’s holding in shares and voting rights of Componenta Corporation has exceeded 10%.   

The flagging notification is to confirm the realization of the earlier on 15 August 2014 announced legal transactions (subscription commitments). 

The financing arrangements of Componenta Corporation have been finalized as planned and published on 15 August 2014, and as a result of them Sampo Group’s holding in Componenta Corporation has realized as anticipated in the flagging notification given on 15 August 2014. Sampo Oyj has received the subscribed 4,615,348 new Componenta Corporation shares and Mandatum Henkivakuutusosakeyhtiö has received the subscribed 6,178,128 new Componenta Corporation shares in addition to those 600,000 shares subscribed earlier on 15 August 2014. Before the arrangements published on 15 August 2014 Mandatum Henkivakuutusosakeyhtiö owned 1,200,000 Componenta Corporation shares. 

1. Target company: Componenta Corporation 

2.  Reason for the flagging notification: The share issue directed to the public (“Share Issue”) and resolved by the Extraordinary General meeting of Componenta Corporation on 5 September 2014 

3. Name and business identity code of shareholder: Sampo Oyj, Business ID 0142213-3 

4. Date of change in holdings: 23 September 2014 

5. Shareholding and voting rights of the target company: 

Shareholding and voting rights before flagging notification:

Sampo Oyj has no holding in Componenta before the Share Issue. 

Mandatum Henkivakuutusosakeyhtiö
Number of shares: 1,200,000
Holding of total number of shares and voting rights: < 5% 

Shareholding and voting rights after flagging notification:

Sampo Oyj
Number of shares: 4,615,384
Holding of total number of shares and voting rights: 4.74% 

Mandatum Henkivakuutusosakeyhtiö
Number of shares: 7,978,128
Holding of total number of shares and voting rights: 8.20% 

Sampo Oyj and Mandatum Henkivakuutusosakeyhtiö together
Number of shares: 12,593,512
Holding of total number of shares and voting rights: 12.95% 

The calculation basis for the flagging is the total number of Componenta Corporation shares following the Share Issue. The number of Componenta Corporation registered shares after the Share Issue is 97,269,224 shares with 97,269,224 voting rights. 

Helsinki, 23 September 2014 


Heikki Lehtonen
President and CEO


For further information, please contact:

Heikki Lehtonen
President and CEO
tel. +358 10 403 2200

Mika Hassinen
tel. +358 10 403 2723


Componenta is a metal sector company with international operations and production plants located in Finland, Turkey, the Netherlands and Sweden. The net sales of Componenta were EUR 511 million in 2013 and its share is listed on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki. The Group employs approx. 4,400 people. Componenta specializes in supplying cast and machined components and total solutions made of them to its global customers, who are manufacturers of vehicles, machines and equipment.