Allergic travelers find relief at hotel check-in

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For travelers this can be particularly odious as hotels rooms can be rife with pollutants that can trigger a myriad of symptoms and sleepless nights. The problem is so widespread that thirty-eight percent of hotels now offer some kind of allergy-friendly service in guest rooms

Allergic travelers find relief at hotel check-in

Melbourne, Australia, February 24, 2011— More and more people today suffer from allergies, in part, because of the over abundance of chemicals in our lives. In fact, states Web MD, the more intense and repetitive the exposure to an allergen and the earlier in life it occurs, the more likely it is that an allergy will develop.

For travelers this can be particularly odious as hotels rooms can be rife with pollutants that can trigger a myriad of symptoms and sleepless nights. The problem is so widespread that thirty-eight percent of hotels now offer some kind of allergy-friendly service in guest rooms, a 14 percent increase in the last two years, according to the 2010 Lodging Survey prepared for the American Hotel and Lodging Association by STR, a hotel research company1.

To help address skin allergy sufferers growing need for relief, Concept Amenities, offers hotel guests an alternative—Ideology®—a unique range of dermatologically tested2 hypoallergenic hotel toiletries.

Ideology liquids and soaps, specially created using low-allergen raw materials, are free from petrochemicals, sulfates, artificial colors and added fragrances for a truly gentle, yet effective, cleansing experience. Products in the range include: Cleansing Hand Wash, Purifying Body Wash, Nourishing Shampoo, Hydrating Conditioner and Freedom Body Lotion.

Ideology is available in pre-packed kits, for hotels who want an immediate solution, on hand, for allergic guests. The kit, suitably packaged for travel in a chic zippered bag, comes complete with airline compliant inner bag for 2oz liquids. “We’re in the business of creating naturally better guest experiences”, states Gary Coward, president of sales at Concept Amenities.  “Ideology is one more solution hotels can offer guests to create that sense of well-being, away from home”. Concept Amenities encourages hotels to feature Ideology, on their website. “Guests can tick a box, when making their reservation, and a kit will be waiting at check-in”, concludes Coward.

Sources: 1 NY Times, Jan 10, 2011; 2 Cantor Research Laboratories, USA;


For more information visit or contact Steve Duggan Director Marketing & Communications +613 9580 9977 or Darleen DeLisle, VP Marketing & Communications, (954) 629.5593;

About Concept Amenities

At Concept Amenities we create naturally better guest experiences and take pride as a world leader in the supply of guest amenities that deliver on quality, luxury, style and environmental solutions. For over 28 years we have established expertise in all areas from design and formulation through to production, dispatch and delivery.

Our comprehensive range of exclusive amenity lines, each with its own distinctive appeal, contain the finest formulations created using natural botanical ingredients, sophisticated fragrances and a rich array of natural and organic extracts to truly nourish the skin, body and soul.

Our packaging is completely biodegradable, and recyclable, with a care for the environment.


