CEO ​Anita Tollstadius buys 10,000 COV shares

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Anita Tollstadius, the CEO of ContextVision, has bought 10,000 shares in ContextVision.

Anita Tollstadius comments:

  • "ContextVision is right now in a very interesting phase as we are setting the scene for long term growth. I believe in the strategies we have developed and I also believe that we will be able to implement them. That means we have a good platform for future sales growth. Since I have a strong commitment to make sure that this happens, it is natural for me to also own shares".

Details about the transaction:

  • Buyer Anita Tollstadius through her company Tollstadius & CO
    Purchase of 10,000 ContextVision (COV) shares
    Purchase date Nov 17, 2010.
    Purchase price NOK 17, total investment 170,000 NOK.
    Tollstadius held no shares before this transaction, the total holding is now 10,000 shares.

For further information please contact:

Anita Tollstadius, CEO
+46 8 739 3559

Bengt Hunyadi, CFO
+46 8 739 3552

