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ContextVision has entered into a Market Making Agreement with Orion Securities AS for the company`s shares. The purpose of the agreement is to increase the liquidity of the shares of the company, which is listed on Oslo Stock Exchange. The Agreement is in accordance with the standard requirements of Oslo Stock Exchange. The Market Making Agreement will take effect as of today, January 13th 2009.

ContextVision har inngått en likviditetsgarantist avtale med Orion Securities AS for selskapets aksjer. Formålet med avtalen er å øke likviditeten i selskapets aksjer som er notert på Oslo Børs. Avtalen er i overensstemmelse med de krav som Oslo Børs stiller. Avtalen er gjeldene fra i dag, januari 13 2009.

For further information:

Henrik Bergentoft
Tel: +46 8 750 35 52
