Corem divests a property in Denmark

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Corem has signed an agreement to divest a property outside Copenhagen at an underlying property value corresponding to SEK 290 million, which is in line with book value.

The property is located in Roskilde, west of Copenhagen. The lettable area, which mostly consists of warehouses, amounts to approximately 23,700 sq.m. and the property is fully let.

Transfer of possession is planned for 3 July 2023.

Corem Property Group AB (publ)

Eva Landén, CEO, +46 10 482 76 50,
Peeter Kinnunen, Head of Transactions, +46 76 855 67 03,

Corem Property Group AB (publ)
Address: P.O. Box 56085, SE-102 17 Stockholm
Visitors: Riddargatan 13 C 556463-9440

This press release is in all respects a translation of the Swedish original press release. In the event of any discrepancies between this translation and the Swedish original, the latter shall prevail.

Corem Property Group is a real estate company that in a sustainable way owns, manages and develops commercial properties in urban and growth areas. Corem Property Group is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm, Large Cap.