Be a Part of the Solution

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Workplace deaths and injuries have fallen over the past thirty years but thousands still die every year as a result of work-related accidents and ill health.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) have launched a strategy called 'Be Part of the Solution', which is designed to reduce the number of workplace accidents and take a common sense approach to ensuring that risk management is an enabler for business not a burden. In Depth have signed up to the pledge that states they agree to: • play a part in reducing the numbers of work-related deaths, injuries and ill-health in Great Britain. • call on employers to put health and safety at the heart of what they do and to take a common sense approach to health and safety. • commit to debunking myths around health and safety that trivialise the impact of injuries, ill health and deaths on individuals and their families. • recognise the importance of health and safety in difficult economic times and the dangers of complacency, and • work with the Health and Safety Executive and its partners to Be Part of the Solution. Find out more about the pledge at: For further information on In Depth Managed Services telephone 01925 642968 email or visit ENDS Words 195


