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Offline payment security white paper released by Lipis Advisors in partnership with Crunchfish

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Lipis Advisors in partnership with Crunchfish released today the second white paper - A practical guide for offline payment security - in the Enabling offline payments in an online world series, outlining the key security aspects relating to offline payments. The white paper includes also Crunchfish’s contrarian views on offline payment design and security. A webinar covering the key insights of the whitepaper will be held tomorrow morning.


Crunchfish are pleased to announce that Lipis Advisors have today released a second white paper in the series – Enabling offline payments in an online world. The white paper with the subtitle – A practical guide to offline payment security, provides valuable insights to how to design a secure and scalable offline payment system that can interoperate with online payment system. It provides the payment ecosystem with a better understanding of the nuances of offline payments security. The white paper includes an editorial that describes Crunchfish’s perspectives on offline payment design and security. 


On Friday March 17th at 8 am CET / 12.30 IST, Crunchfish in partnership with Lipis Advisors will host a webinar where Bonni Brodsky, Managing Consultant at Lipis Advisors will present the key insights of the whitepaper, followed by a panel discussion with V-key CEO Jospeh Gan and Crunchfish CEO Joachim Samuelsson moderated by Johan Wester. Register for the webinar here


All webinars will be available on our website, our YouTube channel and as podcasts on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and anywhere where podcasts are available, distributed from our SoundCloud channel. You can subscribe and never miss when we publish new episodes.


About Lipis Advisors
Lipis Advisors is a Berlin-based strategic consulting firm focused exclusively on the payments sector. Our expertise has expanded over the years, evolving from research-driven comparative analysis of core payment systems to strategic advice for diverse stakeholders on topics ranging from cryptocurrencies, CBDCs, digital banking, real-time payments, fraud mitigation, payment design and implementation. We have provided consulting services to clients in 40+ countries around the world, including international organizations, financial institutions, payment service providers, fintechs, payment schemes, payment system operators, technology vendors, industry associations, and regulators.

For more information, please contact:

Joachim Samuelsson, CEO of Crunchfish AB

+46 708 46 47 88



This information was provided by the contact person above for publication on March 16, 2023 at 13:15 CET.


Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance AB is the Certified Adviser. Email: ca@vhcorp.se. Telephone +46 40 200 250.


About Crunchfish – crunchfish.com

Crunchfish is a deep tech company developing a Digital Cash platform for Banks, Payment Services and CBDC implementations and Gesture Interaction technology for AR/VR and automotive industry. Crunchfish is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market since 2016, with headquarters in Malmö, Sweden and with a subsidiary in India.