Customer Experience Management – Operator Priorities vs. Vendor Hype

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To attract and retain subscribers, operators must now support thousands of applications and devices as well as compete with a new breed of over-the-top service providers. This hypercompetitive climate is driving operators to adopt comprehensive Customer Experience Management (CEM) solutions to assist themselves in differentiating the quality and reliability of the services they offer subscribers.

The CEM market, however, is quickly evolving and, due to its cross-organizational nature, highly complex. Accordingly, competing vendors in the CEM space are attempting to define solutions, when very little consensus exists on what actually constitutes a fully loaded CEM solution.

In this webinar, Current Analysis will address this complexity head-on by sharing key results from its recently published network operator survey entitled “Customer Experience Management: Operator Strategies and Purchase Horizons.” Applying our unique competitive lens to traditional primary research methodologies,Current Analysis has not only identified what operators are looking for in a CEM solution and when they plan on purchasing them, but also how the major CEM solutions providers need to respond in order to beat their competition to the punch.

Key topics covered will be:

  • Identifying specific service provide interest in CEM solutions across North America and Europe
  • Highlighting operator strategies, preferences, and barriers for procuring CEM solutions
  • Analyzing the cross-functional buying and decision-making processes for making CEM purchase decisions
  • Pointing out which capabilities are driving CEM solution vendor perception among operators
  • Identifying a sampling of the best-perceived CEM solution vendors in the market today

Join this topical and insightful Webinar that will provide useful information on how these trends will affect your businesses and your customers.
