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  • DBP International AB and N.N. Alexandrov National Cancer Center of Belarus has entered into a new agreement about the clinical use of Temodex

DBP International AB and N.N. Alexandrov National Cancer Center of Belarus has entered into a new agreement about the clinical use of Temodex

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On December 5, 2016 Double Bond Pharmaceutical International AB (publ) (“DBP”) announced a collaboration with the N. N. Alexandrov National Cancer Center in Belarus (“Alexandrov Cancer Center”). The main objective of this agreement was to gain access to the experience and resources relevant to the development of DBP's products such as SI-053, a drug to be used to treat brain tumors. In January 2017, the partnership agreement was further developed. It consisted of following up patients with brain tumors treated at that center and aimed to study several key parameters that could potentially accelerate the process of making SI-053 more commercially useful worldwide. According to the agreement, a sample from all patients with brain tumors treated with Temodex would be used for analysis of MGMT status. The partnership also included that all clinical data from these patients were dedicated only to DBP.

DBP’s announcement:

Today, DBP has entered into a new agreement with Alexandrov Cancer Center. This collaborative work includes a collection of more comprehensive clinical data in the application of Temodex to patients in Belarus.

"We want to know as much as possible about the efficacy and safety of Temodex in a routine clinical setting, - says Igor Lokot, CEO of DBP - This knowledge of the product will be helpful and will be used for our international marketing strategy. In addition, it will provide more insight into the development of DBP's own product - SI053, which is expected to enter phase 1 study as early as next year.”

More about earlier collaboration between DBP and Alexandrov Cancer Center:

1.       https://news.cision.com/dbp/r/double-bond-pharmaceutical-ab-and-n-n--alexandrov-national-cancer-centre-of-belarus-has-entered-into,c2163124  

2.       https://mb.cision.com/Main/12720/2136014/598937.pdf

More about Alexandrov Cancer Center:

N.N. Alexandrov National Cancer Center is the leading cancer center and the greatest medical research institution in Belarus. It provides the whole scope of services in the field of diagnosis and treatment of malignant tumors. Its services are free of charge for Belarusian citizens with deadly tumors, renders paid medical services for foreign citizens and Belarusian citizens without malignant diseases.

Web: https://omr.by/home-en

More about Temodex/SI-053:

Temodex, which is a locally acting formulation of temozolomide was developed by Research Institute of Physical and Chemical Problems in Minsk, Belarus and registered for marketing as the first-line treatment of glioblastoma within Belarus since 2014. Temodex was acquired by DBP in autumn 2015 and is now being prepared under the name SI-053 to be studied and undergo all the required phases for registration within the EU and globally.

Video presentation: https://youtu.be/iweOQPq316o.


Full Company Name:   Double Bond Pharmaceutical International AB (publ)

Corporate identity:       556991-6082

Stock short name:       DBP B

Share ISIN code:          SE0007185525

For more info, contact

Igor Lokot, CEO

Homepage: http://www.doublebp.com/

E-mail: info@doublebp.com

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Information on Double Bond Pharmaceutical International AB

DBP is a pharmaceutical company with the primary focus on development of therapies against cancer based on the company’s own developed drug delivery technology BeloGal®. The company was granted Orphan Drug Designation status by European Medicines Agency (EMA) in June 2015 for its first product, SA-033, for treatment of hepatoblastoma. Double Bond Pharmaceutical acquired rights to Temodex, a drug registered in Belarus for treatment of brain tumours, in October 2015, and was granted Orphan Drug Designation status by EMA for in July 2016 for this formulation of temozolomide for the treatment of glioma. The formulation is now being further developed for registration in EU and globally and has a working name SI-053 in DBP pipeline.


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