Vote Jack 'the Goat' for Prime Minister 2010!

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Vote Jack ‘the Goat’ for Prime Minister 2010! Jack ‘the Goat’ has been campaigning on Facebook for the up and coming General Elections on May 6th. Jack, the resident goat ambassador for Delamere Dairy (UKs leading provider of goats’ milk products), has launched his political career in a bid to bring the health benefits of goats’ milk to Britain! Jack promises real change; literally he would like to change the milk drinkers of Britain from cows’ milk to goats’ milk in a move to create a healthier nation. He began his campaign posing the question, “What has Gordon Brown & David Cameron got that Jack 'the goat' hasn't?” Though since Nick Clegg’s dramatic rise in the opinion polls, Jack has had to switch tactics and focus now on Nick as a serious contender for the top job. Jack ‘the Goat’ stands for... * Britishness. * Good quality food (goats’ milk) for all. * More green fields in this country. * Goaty nonsense with rational debate! Jack tells it how it is: “I am just a small goat, but I believe that I have enough charisma to get the job done! For real, drinkable change.... visit Jack’s Facebook campaign page:!/group.php?gid=111947882159165&ref=ts If you would like any extra information about why Jack is trying to bring change to the nation in the form of goats’ milk then visit Jack’s blog or contact Find interesting case studies highlighting the health benefits of goats’ milk on Jack’s blog.
