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SYSOPENDIGIA PLC      Stock Exchange Release February 18, 2008                  

OF SYSOPENDIGIA PLC                                                             
The Board of Directors of SYSOPENDIGIA Plc has, in its meeting on February 18,  
2008, decided to make the following proposals to the Ordinary Shareholders'     
Meeting to be held on March 11, 2008, and to publish the following invitation to
the meeting in Helsingin Sanomat on February 21, 2008:                          
The shareholders of SYSOPENDIGIA Plc are invited to the Ordinary Shareholders'  
Meeting to be held on March 11, 2008, starting at 9.30 a.m. at the headquarters 
of the company (Hiomotie 19, 00380 Helsinki).                                   
The following matters are to be addressed at the meeting:                       
1. Matters pertaining to the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting according to the    
Section 10 of the Articles of Association                                       

2. The Board's proposal to change the paragraph 1 of the Articles of Association

The Board of Directors proposes that the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting would   
change the first paragraph of the Articles of Association to be as follows:     
“1 § Company name and Domicile                                                  
The name of the company is Digia Oyj, in English Digia Plc. The domicile of the 
company is Helsinki."                                                           
3. Authorisation of the Board of Directors to decide on a share issue and
granting of 
special rights                                                                  

The Board of Directors proposes that the Annual General Meeting authorises the  
Board of Directors to decide on a rights issue or a capitalisation issue and on 
granting option rights and other special rights, provided that the maximum total
number of shares issued is 4,000,000. This authorisation can be exercised, for  
instance, for the development of company's capital structure, for exercising the
share based incentive systems or for enabling and financing company and business
acquisitions and other co-operation, or other such restructuring. The Board of  
Directors proposes that the Annual General Meeting decides on an authorisation  
which does not exclude the Board of Directors' right to decide on a private     
placement or granting special rights on a private placement basis. The Board of 
Directors would be also entitled to decide to sell company's own shares in the  
public trading in OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki in order to finance possible     
business acquisitions. The authorisation would replace the existing             
authorisations and would be valid for 18 months from the issue date of the      
authorisation, or until 11 September 2009.                                      

4. Authorisation of the Board of Directors to decide on the buyback of own      

The Board of Directors proposes that the Annual General Meeting authorises the  
Board of Directors to decide on the buyback of own shares with the free equity, 
provided that the maximum number of shares involved be 2,000,000. Own shares can
be bought back, for instance, for the purpose of strengthening the company's    
capital structure, for exercising the share based incentive systems or for      
enabling and financing company and business acquisitions and other co-operation,
or other such restructuring or for the purpose of being invalidated. Own shares 
shall not be bought back in proportion to the shareholders' holdings but in     
public trading organised by the OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki. The shares shall  
be bought back for the price determined by the Board of Directors, based on the 
fair value quoted in public trading on the buyback date. The authorisation would
replace the existing authorisations and would be valid for 18 months from the   
issue date of the authorisation, or until 11 September 2009.                    
The Board of Directors and the auditor of the company                           
The central shareholders representing 38.3 per cent of the voting rights of the 
shares in the company have announced to the company that they will propose to   
the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting that it would elect the following six        
persons, in accordance with their consents, to the Board of Directors until the 
end of the following Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting:                            
Pekka Sivonen, Full-time Chairman of the Board of Directors of SYSOPENDIGIA Plc;
Pertti Kyttälä, Managing Director of Peranit Ltd, the Vice Chairman of the Board
of Directors of SYSOPENDIGIA Plc;                                               
Kari Karvinen, Board professional;                                              
Harri Koponen, Board professional;                                              
Martti Mehtälä, Board professional; and                                         
Mikko Terho, Vice President and Nokia Fellow, Nokia Plc.                        
The Board of Directors proposes that the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting would   
elect KHT-company Ernst & Young Oy as the new auditor of the company with Heikki
Ilkka being the responsible auditor.                                            

Payment of Dividend                                                             
The Board of Directors proposes to the Shareholders' Meeting that the company   
would pay dividend for the financial year January 1 - December 31, 2007, EUR    
0.10 per share. The dividend shall be paid to a shareholder that has been       
entered into the company's shareholders' register on the record date of the     
dividend payment on March 14, 2008. The Board of Directors proposes to the      
Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting that the dividend shall be paid on March 25,     
The proposals of the Board of Directors with their annexes and the financial    
statements shall be available for review by the shareholders on the website of  
the company (www.sysopendigia.fi/sijoittajat)on March 4, 2008, at the latest,   
and copies thereof shall be sent to a shareholder by request.                   
Participation and Registration                                                  
A shareholder of the company that has been entered into the company's           
shareholders' register on February 29, 2008 and who has notified the attendance 
as mentioned below, has the right to participate in the Shareholders' Meeting.  
Shareholders, whose shares are administrative registered, must contact the      
book-entry corporation holding such shares in order to mark the administrative  
registered shares temporarily on February 29, 2008 to SYSOPENDIGIA's shareholder
The shareholder willing to participate in the Shareholders' Meeting shall report
the company of the participation on March 4, 2008, at 4 p.m. at the latest, by  
telephone to number +358 40 7610 040 / Sirpa Nieminen or in writing to the      
address SYSOPENDIGIA Plc, Sirpa Nieminen, Hiomotie  19, 00380 Helsinki, by      
facsimile to the number 0403 073 760  or  by  email  to  the address            
invest@sysopendigia.com. The letter or message of participation shall be at the 
destination prior to the expiry of the registration period. The possible proxies
are asked to be delivered in connection with the registration to the address set
forth above.                                                                    
SYSOPENDIGIA PLC                                                                
Board of Directors                                                              
For further information:                                                        
Tomi Merenheimo, Vice President, Legal and IR, tel. +358 (0)40 560 6101,        
OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki                                                    
Key Media
