Non-compliance fee imposed on DNB Næringsmegling AS

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Finanstilsynet (the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway) has imposed a non-compliance fee of approx. EUR 30 000 on DNB's subsidiary DNB Næringsmegling AS (commercial real estate brokerage), following an on-site inspection of the company's compliance with the anti-money laundering regulations. No money laundering activities or attempted money laundering activities were found in the inspection. 

Finanstilsynet conducted an on-site inspection of DNB Næringsmegling AS and several other companies in the real estate brokerage industry, in December 2018. Finanstilsynet found the company’s procedures related to matters such as employee training and control routines to be inadequate. The company only has operations in Norway. 

“We take the comments from Finanstilsynet very seriously. In the last six months we have introduced a number of measures aimed at strengthening the anti-money laundering efforts of the company, and have put in place specific measures to address the issues raised by Finanstilsynet” says Managing Director of DNB Næringsmegling Anne Helene Mortensen. 

For further information, please contact: 

Even Westerveld, EVP Corporate Communications, tel. ( 47) 400 16 744
Rune Helland, head of Investor Relations, tel. ( 47) 23 26 84 00 / ( 47) 977 13 250

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements according to Section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.