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  • Tobii launches LiterAACy – an efficient vocabulary system that helps evolving communicators learn to read and write

Tobii launches LiterAACy – an efficient vocabulary system that helps evolving communicators learn to read and write

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Today Tobii Technology AB announced the launch of a brand new vocabulary system, LiterAACy. It is a system that makes it easier for individuals with speech and communication impairments to learn how to read and write. They use LiterAACy to make their first experiences with letters and words – just like other children, who first scribbles with pencils.

To be able to read and write are cornerstones when it comes to self expression, development and the integration into school, work and society. Acquiring those skills are not always that easy, especially not if you have speech and communication impairments.

Traditional learning strategies often require a steep learning curve, where the student needs to be able to cipher and decipher entire words and sentences. For many individuals in need of assistive and augmentative communication (AAC) this becomes quite and obstacle that they can’t tackle, and as a result they never learn to read and write.

LiterAACy takes a different approach to learning how to read and write. LiterAACy categorizes words by their first letter, so that users with knowledge of the initial sound of a word quickly can access it. On average a user can access up to 3 000 words by just two key presses. Offering such quick wins the student is likely to become more motivated to further develop their reading and writing skills.

Using the clear SymbolStix symbols, color-coding according to the Fitzgerald key, deliberate hiding of letters and the clear speech output all facilitates the advancements of the reading and writing skills even further.

LiterAACy is intuitive and easy to use that teachers and even relatives and caregivers can start using it immediately.

System requirements
LiterAACY requires Tobii Communicator 4.x or higher. LiterAACy offers additional functionality such as e-mail, chat, sms, camera control etc., functions that require the appropriate hardware, for example the Tobii C-Series.

LiterAACy is free of extra cost when purchasing a Tobii communication device together with Tobii Communicator.

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More information
For more information about LiterAACy, please visit www.tobii.com or www.literaacy.com.

For interviews and additional information, please contact:

    • Uli Ehlert, International Product Manager, Tobii Technology AB, Mobile + 46 733 278 716, E-mail uli.ehlert@tobii.com
    • Lars Tiedemann, Creator of LiterAACy, Mobile +49 160 105 71 10, E-mail info@literaacy.com




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