Teleste knowhow within smart cities is raw material for future success

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Smart cities are well on their way in Germany. Did you know that a Finnish company called Teleste is involved in that process and part of your daily life already today?

Evolution of smart cities is one of the major global megatrends. Smart cities are about a variety of intelligent applications which make your everyday life easier and safer. These applications can be connected to new types of services services e.g. education and energy-saving, fluent traffic and transportation, and solutions for e.g. increasing safety in urban environments.

Examples of such services are advanced passenger information solutions at stations and trains, and new video and television services that Internet brings to consumers devices. To ensure this development, efficient and reliable communication infrastructure needs to be created by utilizing the latest data transmission and information technologies, and e.g. Internet of Things. 

Teleste contributes to the smart city infrastructure

Teleste’s role is to contribute to creating the needed communication infrastructure. "We develop cost effective broadband solutions by taking advantage of existing cable infrastructure. The legacy coax infrastructure is actually a treasure: with the latest technologies we can help operators bring faster internet connections to consumers, businesses and public organizations. Internet of Things will drive up the demand for more and more data transmission capacity, and our solutions ensure that networks meet the future capacity needs", states Dr. Andree Kang, SVP of Network Services for Teleste Corporation.

With Smart Cities relying on communication infrastructre, reliability of network connections will be even more important in the future. "Today’s knowhow is raw material for future success. We see our role as a provider of excellent products and solutions as well as expertise and experience that help our customers develop their unique operations. We are a partner to operators and public sector alike, and can tackle a wide range of challenges, including communication, infrastructure design and knowledge based field operations", Kang adds. 

Available throughout Germany

According to Kang, Teleste is uniquely positioned to offer the knowledgeable heads & skilled hands throughout Germany with its over 1000 professionals (own staff and experts from partners included), whether it means upgrading the networks, ensuring smart home connectivity, or installing security systems in public places. "We live and breathe our mission: Building Smart, Safe and Smooth future."

Teleste Germany

Cableway AG
Address: Technologiepark, Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 1, D-51429 Bergisch Gladbach, Germany
Phone: +49 2204-845560



Editori Helsinki - yritysviestinnän asiantuntija tuo esille oman alansa asiantuntijat, persoonat ja vaikuttajat
Lisätietoa: Valtteri Rantalainen | p. 040 561 7703 | valtteri.rantalainen(a) I




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Quick facts

Teleste offers an integrated product and service portfolio that makes it possible to build and run a better networked society. Our solutions bring television and broadband services to your home, secure your safety in public places and guide your use of public transport.
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We live and breathe our mission: Building Smart, Safe and Smooth future.
Dr. Andree Kang, SVP of Network Services for Teleste Corporation