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Elisa shareholders are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting of
Shareholders. The Meeting is to be held at Finlandia Hall at Mannerheimintie 13,
Helsinki (entrances K1 ja M1) at 2.00pm on Monday, 19 March 2007. The issuing of
voting slips to the shareholders attending the meeting will commence at the above
venue at 1.00pm.

The following matters will be on the agenda

Issues to be addressed at the meeting

1. Issues to be addressed by the Annual General Meeting pursuant to Section 12 of
the Articles of Association.

2. Proposal to amend sections 3, 4, 5, 8, 9 and 12 of the Articles of
Association. The main amendments are as follows:

- to delete the reference to the par value of the share and the minimum and
maximum share capital, and to add a clause specifying the minimum and maximum
number of shares;

- to delete the provisions related to the record date under the book-entry
securities system;

- to amend the entries concerning authorised signatories and the agenda for the
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to reflect the terminology used in the
Finnish Companies Act;

- to insert a provision providing the possibility of also  holding the meeting of
shareholders in Espoo and Vantaa, Finland.

3. Board of Directors' proposal to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
concerning the authorisation to issue shares and special rights:

- includes powers to issue new shares, assignment of the company's own shares,
and award of special rights up to a maximum number of 30,000,000 shares;

- authorises the Board to make an exemption to the shareholders´ pre-emptive
rights to subscribe shares and it is proposed that the authorisation to issue
shares shall be valid up until 31 March 2009.

5. Board of Directors' proposal for the purchase of the company's own shares

- the maximum number being 8,000,000

- authorises the Board to purchase the shares other than relative to current 
holdings in the Company and proposed to be valid up until 31 August 2008.


The Board of Directors will recommend that a dividend of EUR 0.50 per share for
2006 and extra dividend of EUR 1.00 per share, in total EUR 1.50 share be
distributed. The dividend approved by the Annual General Meeting will be paid to
shareholders listed in the company's share register maintained by the Finnish
Central Securities Depository Ltd on 22 March 2007. The Board of Directors
proposes to the Annual General Meeting that the dividend be paid on 29 March

Composition of the Board of Directors, Auditor

The major shareholders of Elisa Corporation have notified the company of their
intention to propose to the Annual General Meeting that the Meeting resolve the
number of members on the Board of Directors to be 6, and that the present members
Pekka Ketonen, Mika Ihamuotila, Lasse Kurkilahti, Matti Manner and Ossi
Virolainen be re-elected and Risto Siilasmaa be elected as a new member to the
Boars of Directors. The Board of Directors has decided, after hearing the
Committee for Auditing, to propose at the Annual General Meeting to appoint KPMG
Oy Ab, public authorised accountants, as the company's external auditor.

Eligibility to attend and registration

Shareholders registered on Friday 9 March 2007 in the company's share register
kept by the Finnish Central Securities Depository, and who have registered for
the Meeting in a manner described underneath, are eligible to attend the Annual
General Meeting. Any owners of nominee registered shares wishing to attend the
Meeting and to exercise their right to vote may be temporarily registered in the
share register. To arrange temporary registration, a nominee registered
shareholder should contact their assets manager in due time before 9 March 2007.

Registration to the Annual General Meeting commences on Tuesday 20.2.2007.


The financial statement documents and the proposals of the Board of Directors
will be available for shareholders' perusal from 1 March 2007 at the company's
head office, address Kutomotie 18, Helsinki (lobby) or at The
company will send copies of the documents on request to shareholders.


Vesa Sahivirta
Director, IR and Financial Communications


Helsinki Stock Exchange
Major media



The Board of Directors proposes that sections 3, 4, 5, 8, 9 and 12 to be
completely amended to read as follows:

3 § Maximum and minimum number of shares
The Company shall have a minimum of 50,000,000 and a maximum of 1,000,000,000

4 § Equality of shares
All the shares in the Company shall confer equal rights.

5 § Inclusion in the book-entry securities system
The shares in the Company are recorded in the book-entry securities system.

8 § Legal representation
The authorized signatories of the Company shall be the Chairman of the Board of
Directors and the Managing Director, both being empowered to do so severally, and
any two members of the Board of Directors signing together.

The Board of Directors may grant the right to sign on behalf of the Company by
having those authorised to do so sign either jointly two together, or severally
with any member of the Board of Directors or a person authorized to do so per

Any decision on the right to sign on behalf of the Company per procurationem
shall be made by the Board of Directors such that a person authorized to sign per
procurationem shall do so together with a member of the Board of Directors, or a
person otherwise authorized to sign on behalf of the Company, and with a person
authorised to sign on behalf of the Company per procurationem.

9§ Financial period
The Company's financial period shall be one calendar year.

12 § General Meeting of Shareholders
The General Meeting of Shareholders can be held in Helsinki, Espoo or Vantaa,

The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders shall be held each year before the end
of June and at the meeting the following shall be:

1. financial statements and the report on operations;
2. the auditor's report;

to be decided
3. approval of the financial statements;
4. disposal of the profit shown on the balance sheet;
5. discharge from liability for the Members of the Board of Directors and the
Managing Director;
6. remunerations and the criteria for travel cost compensation to the members of
the Board of Directors, and auditors;
7.  the number of members of the Board of Directors and auditors;

to elect
8. Members of the Board of Directors;
9. Auditors and Alternate Auditor, if applicable.


The Board of Directors proposes that the General Annual Meeting of Shareholders
pass a resolution to authorize the Board of Directors to issue new shares, to
assign the Company's own shares held by the Company and/or to grant the special
rights referred to in subsection 10(1) of the Finnish Companies Act subject to
the following:

The Board of Directors proposes that, under this Authorisation the Board of
Directors may decide on one or several issues provided that the Board of
Directors may issue shares up a maximum number of 30.000.000. At present, the
proposed maximum number of such shares is about 18 % of all shares in the
Company. The share issue may be free or for consideration and can be directed to
the Company itself subject to the terms and conditions defined by law.

The Board of Directors proposes that this Authorisation remain in force up until
31 March 2009. The Authorisation entitles the Board to make an exemption to the
pre-emptive right of the shareholders to subscribe new shares subject to the
terms and conditions defined by law. The Authorisation may be used for making
acquisitions or implementing other arrangements related to the Company's
business, to finance investments, to improve the company's financial structure,
to be used as part of the incentive compensation plan or for other purposes
decided by the Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors proposes that the Authorisation include the right to pass
a resolution as to how the subscription price is entered in the Company's balance
sheet. The subscription price may be paid with money or partly or in full with
other assets (subscription in kind) or by using the receivables due to the
subscriber to set off the subscription price. The Board of Directors shall have
the right to decide on other matters related to the share issue.


The Board of Directors proposes that the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
authorise the Board of Directors to decide to purchase the company's own shares
subject to the following:

The Board of Directors proposes that the Board of Directors may pass a resolution
to purchase the company's own shares to a maximum number of 8,000,000. The
proposed number is about 4,8 % of all shares in the company. The authorisation
shall be in force until 31 August 2008.

The Board of Directors proposes that the Authorisation cover the purchase of
shares in the course of public trading on the Helsinki Exchanges in accordance
with its rules and the consideration payable for the shares shall be based on the
market price. In purchasing of the Company's own shares derivate, share loan and
other contracts customary in the capital market may be concluded pursuant to law
and the applicable legal provisions.

The Authorisation entitles the Board of Directors to pass a resolution to
purchase the shares by making an exception to the purchase of shares relative to
the current holdings of the shareholders subject to the provisions of the
applicable law. The Authorisation may be used for making acquisitions or
implementing other arrangements related to the Company's business, to improve the
Company's financial structure, to be used as part of the incentive compensation
plan or for the purpose of otherwise assigning or cancelling the shares. The
Board of Directors shall have the right to decide on other matters related to the
purchase of the Company's own shares.
