Market Maker in Össur hf. Stock

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Össur hf. has negotiated an agreement with Kaupthing Bank hf. to serve as market maker for the Company’s stock. Under the agreement, Kaupthing Bank undertakes to maintain bid and ask offers for Össur hf. on every business days, starting 3 January 2003, as follows:
Bid and ask offers, 100,000 shares at a price based on the decision of Kaupthing Bank at any time. In the event of the acceptance of an offer, the Bank will post a new offer at its own discretion but with a maximum price change of 2.0%.  The difference of the bid and ask offers shall not exceed 1.0%. In the event of trading volume in excess of a market price of ISK 30,000,000 within a single business day, Kaupthing may suspend its posting of offers for that day.
