Össur hf. - Interim Report for the Third Quarter of 2001

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Total revenue  for  the first nine months of the year amounted to ISK 4,948 million.
Profit in the first nine months of the year amounted to ISK 559 million.

EBIDTA in the first nine months of the year amounted to ISK 857 million.

Estimated profit  for the year is  projected to be  ISK 810 million.

Reporting currency  will be  USD as of 1 January 2002.

The interim statement of the Össur hf. Group for the term ending 30 September 2001 was approved at a meeting of the Board of Directors on 26 October.  The statement is prepared based on the same accounting principles as previous interim statements in 2001, and reviewed and signed off by the company auditors without qualification. 

The Össur hf. Group consists of Össur hf. in Iceland, the groups Össur Holdings Inc., USA, and Össur Invest AB Group, Sweden, as well as individual companies in Iceland, Luxembourg and elsewhere.  There have been no substantial changes in the combination  of the Group in the course of the year 2001.

The principal results of the Group are as follows:

Profit and Loss Account (ISK m)            1st quarter  2nd quarter  3rd  quarter  Total  
Operating revenues                                 1,421        1,712         1,815  4,948
Operating expenses                                 1,275        1,520         1,444  4,239
Operating profit                                     146          192           371    709
Financial income and financial expenses              -31           17             1    -13
Earnings before taxes                                115          209           372    696
Income tax                                           -59           44          -126   -141
Earnings before other income and expenses             56          253           246    555
Share of income in affiliated  companies               1            2             1      4
Net income for the period                             57          255           247    559
EBIDTA                                               192          244           421    857

Balance Sheet (ISK m)                     ,            ,            30 Sep        31 Dec       
                                                                    2001          2000         
Fixed assets                                                                 3,094        2,614
Current assets                                                               2,742        2,201
Total assets                                                                 5,836        4,815
Equity                                                                       2,823        2,061
Long-term liabilities                                                        1,370        1,172
Short-term liabilities                                                       1,643        1,582
Total equity and liabilities                                                 5,836        4,815
Statement of Cash Flows (ISK m)           1st quarter  2nd quarter  3rd  quarter  Total        
Cash from operations                                118          262           374          754
Investment activities                               -90         -132           -24         -246
Financing activities                                -69         -218          -238         -525
Increase (decrease) in cash                         -41          -88           112          -17
Key Indicators                                                                    30 Sep
Profit from regular activities per share                                                ISK 2.3
P/E ratio                                                                                  18.3
Return on equity                                                                            30%
Current ratio                                                                               1.7
Equity ratio                                                                                48%
Market value of shares (ISK billion)                                                       13.6

Comparative figures  for  the year 2000

The third-quarter statement of the Company  does not include comparative figures for  the year 2000.  The reason is that no comparable reviewed  statement was prepared for the corresponding period last year.  The operating results for the first nine months of 2000, published in October 2000, were as follows:

Profit and Loss Account 2000 (ISK m)           3rd  quarter  01 Jan-
30 Sep  
Operating revenues                                      1,505           2,827
Operating expenses                                      1,143           2,289
Operating profit                                          362             538
Financial income and financial expenses                  -153            -142
Earnings before taxes                                     210             396
Income tax                                                -87            -136
Earnings before other income and expenses                 123             260
Extraordinary expenses                                     15          -3,675
Profit (loss) for the period                              138          -3,415
EBIDTA                                                    401             610

Any comparison of the years 2001 and 2000 must take into account the fact that due to new acquisitions, the combination  of the Group in the two periods is not compatable..

Operation during the quarter

Operations in the third quarter were in all principal respects according to plan.  The contribution, on average, was slightly better than expected and sales costs were lower, but management costs were higher.  Generally speaking, the Company's goals as regards revenue, EBITDA and profit were achieved  despite  unexpected costs claimed against  general and administration expenses.  These costs   involve an amount of ISK 80 million resulting from reorganisational measures in the USA and Europe, and a special provision to the bad debt expense account  in the amount of ISK 22 million relating to  changes in the European sales network.

The impact on the Company's operations of the New York terrorist attacks on 11 September was that sales fell for 4-5  days, with the total reduction in sales from these causes assessed at ISK 140-160 million in the third quarter.  Sales have levelled once more, and no other impact on the Company operation  has been detected.

Restructuring of  the sales network has now been completed, and the Company now sells directly to customers in all of its principal market areas, i.e. the USA, Scandinavia,  and Europe.  There is now some experience regarding  the changes in the USA, and despite initial setbacks, these changes have proven positive for the Company.  It is too soon, however, to assess the results of the changes in Europe.

Development and marketing of new products have been successful so far this year.  Work has been in progress on reorganising the product line with the objective of meeting the needs of certain target groups.  A new socket, the Transfemoral socket, was introduced in the market in May, designed specifically for persons amputated above the knee; it is the first socket of its kind in the world.  Sales over the year, by piece, have already doubled in quantity from the projected sales for the entire year.  At about the same time another socket, the Upper X liner, was introduced for upper- extremity amputees.   The new socket has been extremely well received.  An improved version of the Comfort socket, the Company's main silicon product, has also been well received.  Sales in the Comfort socket have already exceeded last year's total sales by 25%.  The Dermo socket product line has also been expanded.

Developments as regards artificial feet and knees have not been as positive.  The development of a new electronically controlled knee, the Rheo knee, has proven a more ambitious project than anticipated.  The design is conducted in co-operation with MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), and marketing is now scheduled for 2002.  The introduction of the TKO knee was moved back as a result of delays in design.  A new artificial foot, Talux, was introduced last summer.  The foot is based on new technology and marks the beginning of a renewal in the product line of artificial feet, which is regarded as necessary to maintain the company's market advantage in this area. 

Prospects for the remainder of the year

The Company's operating plan for the year 2001, published in February, assumed a turnover of USD 74 million, or approximately ISK 6,100 million, with profits of USD 8.5 million, or approximately ISK 700 million.  Based on the average value of the USD in the first nine months of the year, these figures now correspond to ISK 7,030 million and ISK 810 million, respectively.  Assuming that the fourth-quarter objectives are achieved, the current projected annual revenue  will amount to ISK 6,650 million, which corresponds to approximately USD 70 million.  It is assumed that the initial projection of profit for the year will prove accurate, with total profit at USD 8.5 million, or approximately ISK 810 million.  The EBIDTA contribution is projected at  20%, or approximately ISK 1,320 million.

It should be noted that uncertainty in the operation of the Company for the remainder of this year might be greater than  normal.  The reason is the extensive change in the sales network and organisation of the Company in the course of the year, together with the projection that a proportionally large part of the Company's sales will materialise in the final quarter of the year.

Change in the reporting currency 

The decision has been made that as of 1 January 2002, the information  systems and financial statements  of Össur hf., will be presented in US dollars.  It has also been decided to evaluate the possibility of exchanging  current shares for USD denominated shares.  These changes are subject to any potential legal constraints. 

The reason for this decision is the belief that the proposed new order will make it easier for the Company to achieve its future growth objectives, as the change will remove barriers between the Company and investors outside Iceland.

Open teleconference with management

On Tuesday, 30 October, at 09:00 a.m., investors and other interested parties are invited to participate in an open teleconference.  At the conference, Mr. Jón Sigurðsson, CEO, and Mr. Hjörleifur Pálsson, CFO, will review the results of the third quarter. 

To participate in the teleconference, please call +354 595 2030. The conference can also be monitored on the Company website at www.ossur.is.