Super Valdi: The Man Who Conquered Iceland's Unreachable Road

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When faced with skepticism and the seemingly impossible task of building a road on the treacherous east side of Langjökull Glacier, Ástvaldur “Valdi” Óskarsson saw an opportunity. While others envisioned disaster, with tourists' cars sinking into glacier mud, Valdi embraced the challenge with determination and ingenuity. His vision has not only transformed a once-impassable route into a thriving tourist destination but has also proven that with belief and perseverance, even the unreachable can be achieved. This is the remarkable story of how "Super Valdi" turned a dream into reality, reshaping Icelandic tourism in the process.

Hafnarfjörður, Iceland, June 21, 2024 – When faced with the impossible and met with skepticism, what do you do? For Ástvaldur “Valdi” Óskarsson, the answer was clear: embrace the challenge.

Often dismissed with phrases like “Það er ómögulegt” (It’s impossible), “Gleymdu því” (Forget about it), and “Þú ert klikkuð” (You’re crazy), Valdi embarked on an ambitious journey to build a road on the east side of Langjökull Glacier, aiming to boost tourism in the region. Critics envisioned cars sinking in mud, a disaster waiting to happen, but Valdi saw a unique opportunity.

Valdi's approach was simple yet ingenious: design the road on the highest areas to avoid the mud. His relentless scouting trips, often with his family, were pivotal. Margrét Björg Ástvaldsdóttir, Valdi’s daughter, recounts a particularly harrowing experience that highlighted both the risks and the determination driving her father’s vision.

“One Sunday, we were on one of our usual trips in the highlands. My father stepped out of the car to survey the land, and suddenly, a thick fog enveloped everything. My mother, brother, and I were anxious, fearing he might not find his way back,” Margrét recalls. “Despite the fog and poor visibility, my father found his way back to the car. It was a close call, but it only strengthened his resolve.”

As the months passed, Valdi’s dream began to take shape. Gradually, others saw the potential of his new route, which not only provided stunning scenic views but was also closer to Gullfoss, a key attraction on the Golden Circle. The route revitalized the historic Kjölur route, dating back to Viking times, and opened new avenues for tourism.

Today, the eastern route serves multiple glacier operators offering a wide range of tours, including ice cave exploration and snowmobiling. Valdi’s own company, Sleipnir Tours, features tours in the world’s largest glacier truck.

“The new road has transformed tourism in the area,” Margrét notes. “Thousands of tourists now visit annually, experiencing the unique beauty of Iceland’s glaciers.”

Margrét, who inherited her father’s passion for glaciers, now works alongside him, continuing to build and expand their company. “It’s an honor to carry on his legacy and keep his dream alive,” she says.

Ástvaldur “Valdi” Óskarsson’s story is a testament to the power of vision and determination. Against all odds, he turned an impossible mission into a remarkable reality, proving that with belief and persistence, even the unreachable can be reached.

This story is a part of the 100 Stories from Iceland.

Turning the Impossible into Reality: Valdi’s Bold Journey to Build Iceland's Glacier Road

Contact: Margrét Björg Ástvaldsdóttir
Position: General Manager
Tel.: +354 820 9412




Quick facts

Ástvaldur “Valdi” Óskarsson transformed the once-impassable east side of Langjökull Glacier into a thriving tourist route, showcasing his visionary approach to overcoming seemingly impossible challenges in Icelandic tourism.
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The new road has transformed tourism in the area, now thousands of tourists now visit annually, experiencing the unique beauty of Iceland’s glaciers.
Margrét Björg Ástvaldsdóttir