
The new road has transformed tourism in the area, now thousands of tourists now visit annually, experiencing the unique beauty of Iceland’s glaciers.
Margrét Björg Ástvaldsdóttir
ODIN is more than just a software solution; it's a game-changer in managing and interpreting data. ODIN empowers our teams to focus on strategic decisions and client outcomes by automating and simplifying the data analysis process
Haukur Jarl Kristjánsson, Global Head of Performance
These five years have flown fast by, and the community is genuinely invested in their passion for skiing; almost every day of the year, the founders of the ski area, Jon and Steini, who both are still avid supporters and lovers of the ski come for their cup of coffee and we talk shop and discuss plans for next season. It means the world to me to have their support and local knowledge of the area.
Hordur Finnbogason
As every paraglider knows, waiting for the perfect weather can be as much a part of the adventure as the flight itself. During these waiting periods, our bonds grow more robust as we share stories, laughter, and the anticipation of the next flight.”
Receiving the 2023 Travelers’ Choice Award from Tripadvisor is a significant milestone for DIVE.IS. Our journey started over two decades ago with a mission to share the wonders of Silfra
Papa Dive Tomas
I have personally over 50 years of experience in the bay and like to think of myself as continuing my family’s 160-year-long tradition started by my great great grandfather who was a fisherman just like my great grandfather, grandfather, and father would later be not to forget my great grandmothers too
Stefán Guðmundsson
his was my first visit to Iceland, and it was one of the best trips I have ever made. To see this beautiful hotel, the waterfalls, Vestmannaeyjar, and the incredible midnight sun was an experience of a lifetime
Olivia Synnervik
I will always be the latest one to arrive at the bus in the mornings, just in time, though, having skipped breakfast and with his hair out in the air.
Einar Þorleifsson, Founder and Owner
Every journey tells a story, and our story began with my grandfather, Guðmundur Jónasson, who was driven by a passion to explore the unknown and share it with the world
Stefán Gunnarsson, Managing Director of GJ Travel
Every path and trail invites you into a world of awe and adventure, and we at Volcani Trails pride ourselves on facilitating access to Iceland’s most secluded and pristine environments.
Bjarni Freyr, CEO and founder of Volcano Trails
In the end, simple, understated luxury felt perfectly right and aligned with our ambition of creating a unique destination for our guests. You can't compete with nature
Gríma Thorarensen, Creative Director and Co-Owner of Hvammsvík Hot Springs
In every leaf, rock, and drop of water, there's a story about our world
Soffía Arnþórsdóttir
Inexplicably, time seems to stand still, and the hours spent walking fill us with a boundless energy that lingers for weeks and memories that last a lifetime.
Díana Mjöll Sveinsdóttir
Results show Baldur leading with 25.8% support among declared candidates, closely followed by former Prime Minister Katrín Jakobsdóttir with 22.1%. Þórhallsson, would become the first openly gay President elected by popular vote.
Press Release
The Viking Planet aims to educate, entertain, and inspire visitors of all ages by bringing history to life through innovative storytelling and interactive experiences.
Rasmus Ramstad